Sunday 18 August 2024

Queen Camp

Don't worry Stella you're still first chosen. If you turn me down I'll still need a wife. God picked Elly and she's perfect for me same as you

You're not in competition with each other. There is just a job offer. You take it if you want. If not Elly wins. She is your replacement

No one is in the lead as you both ain't speaking. Both add me today. Do everything I say and Stella will win in the end. But Elly will get awesome training and not lose out

We will live as a team of monks here. I'll be your boss. The abbot. You'll be novices learning the way. All you gotta do is all I say. I'm a good boss. Don't worry

I won't steer you wrong or say do anything that isn't good. God has picked me as boss because I have everyone's best interests at heart. Just like he does

So all you gotta do is have faith and follow me. Do all the things I say. Obey my dears obey. Obeying is good. Obeying is a virtue

You don't gotta show off to see who's best. Just gotta follow and do as I say to do. Then Stella will win. There is no way Elly can win if you both do as you're told. But if only Elly does then Stella will lose by no fault of anyone but herself

I want world peace but can't choose who wins. I need a world peace queen. If Stella is bad she will be no good so won't make peace even if she is queen

So it's no use me favouring or picking her just because she is Stella. She was the only chosen queen at first. But because of lack of faith she now has a replacement for if she still don't obey. Obeying is the important thing. The most important virtue

An obedient Elly can help the world more than a disobedient Stella. So don't expect me to favour Stella just because she is first chosen

My job is to treat you both equal till engagement day and let win whoever obeys most willingly. To be obedient it's not an acrobatics or creativity contest. You can fail and mess up and be rubbish it's fine. Only requirement is try your best to do all I say each and every day

You both try your bests and Elly is amazing and Stella is rubbish Stella will win so don't worry. If you're both rubbish Stella will win. If just Elly is rubbish she will still get great training and be happy

It's not about how good or rubbish you are. Just that you walk the way and do as instructed. I'll teach you. I'm your boss. Like any job all you do is obey the boss. It's not a difficult thing

You're coming here to learn the way and part of it is simply to obey. So let's start right now. Right away do this thing I say. Both add me online today

We'll discuss living arrangements and all live here together as a fam. Four of us as monks. Me as the abbot. You two in training

You won't be competing against each other. You'll be helping and supporting each other. We will be a family and a team

If only Elly adds me and lives here she will win. If Elly comes first and Stella follows a bit after then Stella will still win

Elly that may make you feel a bit like a stepping stone for Stella but don't worry. It's good to be a stepping stone. It's helpful

Jesus washed Peter's feet. So be proud to support the first chosen as a kind of stepping stone. Spurring Stella on to do the job she was chosen for is a good deed and heaven will be pleased

By encouraging Stella just by doing the training she is supposed to be doing. You will be playing your part to help save the world

Encouraging the first chosen is good. So even if you come first and don't win you did a good thing. You will get amazing training out of it and be a much loved and respected member of team world peace

So you got nothing to lose and everything to gain by training here. Even if part of the reason is just to encourage Stella. She is the first chosen so we gotta encourage her to take the queenship alright? If she don't though you will take it as you're her replacement chosen by heaven

So no pressure on either of you to outdo each other. All you gotta do is train here together and heaven will assign you both jobs in team world peace

That's how it's gotta be now Elly is involved. Heaven wants you both living here for the next two years till engagement day

After that I gotta stop treating you as candidates. I will focus on just one for the queen training. The other can stay here as a monk for life if she wishes though

If Stella does as she is told then Elly you will stay our friend for life and be a team world peace member and Stella will be queen. Even if you come first and encourage her then she follows

Even so I recommend you both follow and move here at the same time. Just Stella could come but I actually think all of us here would be better for the queen training

You're both involved now and Stella having declined at first is a contingency covered by God's plan. Now he wants you both here so let's all just embrace it and train

Stella don't think first chosen is a licence to laze. You're not so important you can just not bother and still win. If Elly trains but you don't she will become heaven's first choice by merit of her efforts and virtues

If you wanna win and join team world peace become queen and play your part in saving the world you gotta make the effort

If only Elly does then you will lose. If there's war because you lost itta be your fault. Me and Elly will do our bests to make world peace with or without you

Elly will make the perfect queen and is your genuine replacement. So I will train love and respect her the same as you. Heaven has picked you both after all

So don't expect me to treat her like she don't matter. Till engagement day she's as much my queen as you. After that only one of you will be my love. The other just a friend

So Elly be a good trainee and add me today. Encourage Stella as well. Your job is to encourage her to be queen. If she refuses despite your encouraging you'll be queen

It's a simple and easy game to play. Not a bitter competition in any way. Just be my employees. My trainee monks. Doing as I the abbot say

You don't gotta wait for Elly Stella. Show your faith by adding me today. You should as first chosen and queen. Inspire your subjects

Encourage Elly as well. Your replacement and supporter. She will help you train. You're both invited. Both welcome. Both picked by heaven. Called here to train. So let's all do it. The world and the kingdom of heaven await

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...