Saturday 24 August 2024


Now I'm embarrassed. Well that's a good thing. I know it seems stupid. But this is what God wanted
He is the one who told me to say what I said. What he wants may not make sense to us. We are just mortals
How can we know the mind of God?
His ways are a mystery to us
All we can do is follow him
Even when he plays tricks on me I follow him
Which he often does. It's not the first time
He's the boss
Not me
I could only be king if he let me
Even if I was he could take my crown in an instant
Like when he took everything from Job
Job said
“We bring nothing at birth;
we take nothing with us at death.
The Lord gives us all we have and takes it all away again whenever he so chooses. So we can't complain."
After all it's just a day. Not the end of all or my campaign. Necessarily
If my prophecies were true would I take credit?
No it would be God's power not mine
So if my prophecies are false am I to blame?
I didn't make them up
They're what he told me to say
He's a masterful trickster
Though all his tricks have a good intention
Even if we can't see what it is right now
So we must keep having faith
Even when he tricks us
Or takes all we have like Job
Maybe tomorrow he will put true prophecies in my mouth
Maybe not
I don't know
I can't see the future
Only he can. Our lord and master
We can just watch in awe and praise him for his miracles
Follow him wherever he may lead us
Or not and go our own way

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...