Sunday 25 August 2024

Faithful like the Maker

Yesterday I said God is a trickster but always has good intentions and don't abandon us at tough times. Today's chap says imitate him and speaks of husbands and wives

Means we gotta stand by each other even though I'm just a trick victim. Means Israel should make me king just because I'm chosen and willing. Even though I'm just a plaything to El. I can still be a decent king and will follow him

He may trick us all. As a nation and a world. But we'll stay with each other anyway. Through it all. Knowing we're in the same boat. Little human trick victims subject to divine will. Also that El will stay with us. Despite our weaknesses. Despite the tricks. Life is not perfect but we must carry on

Don El. You've given us all faith in you then whipped it all away in a day. Now we're lost sheep looking for hope. We know the verse from the ancient scroll. "The Lord gives and takes away." Please give us back what you took. Our faith. So we may follow you again

I your chosen prophet speak for all us here today. I'll follow you anyway. You know that. But will these lost ones follow me now? We accept that you Don El are the master of dreams visions and signs. You took all our faith away in an instant. We're nothing without you. Please give us back our faith by telling us the answer to all our burning questions

The curses. The prophecies. The destiny. The signs. The way that leads to heaven. Earning soul dollars. The queens. The kingship. The kingdom of heaven on earth. The prophesied heirs to lead us there. The incarnation of heavenly souls

Is all of it true? Should me my queens and our followers all follow you this dream and destiny set out for us by all the heavenly signs you sent? Or is it all delusion and should we give up hope? Please send us a sign to let us know all of it is true. So that we may have faith and follow you. Amen

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...