Sunday 25 August 2024

Faith Test

Was it all delusion? If these recent things were rubbish is all of it? The kingship. The queens. The curses. The prophecies. In fact all of religion?

These questions are called doubts and are natural. El wrote them into reality to make it easy for us to lose faith and tough to keep it

If he just made everything go right all the time we wouldn't need faith. He makes stuff go wrong on purpose

The natural thing to do now is go wild. If religion is fake there's no curses or rules. I'm free to sin as much as I like

No need to write or pray or train or make world peace. None of it matters. All that matters is I have fun and enjoy my life. So it's drunken parties and Xbox every day for me now

I knew dreams could be from horn or ivory. I said to El if I post them and they're wrong folks will lose faith. I said El you've tricked and steered me wrong before. Maybe I shouldn't bother

He said when I steered you wrong did I abandon or stay with you? Did I not lead you into the error then out the other side for a reason?

Will you only follow me when I bless and steer you right? Or through the rough patches and dark valleys as well?

Don't give up on me. I know the way. It may not be the way you wanna go. Or the way that looks right. It may be the stupidest seeming way. But go anyway if it's what I say

Now I gave you some things stuff will you cling to them and run away with them? Run away with your crown and your queens? Better not risk following the Lord anymore. You might lose them

Or will you take this wild risk and keep doing as I say even if it means you lose your crown and credibility?

Yes Lord I said. I will. You led me here and will lead me there. I can't be king without your guidance. If I could it wouldn't be worth it as I'd just do it wrong

I'd rather be poor with you than rich alone. You told me this stuff same as everything you told me before

It's crazy to post but I'll post it because it's what you said to me

That's my job. To say what you say to me. I could play it safe or follow you. Every day I'll follow you

So I followed El and he tricked me like I thought he might. As I was more scared to not follow El than to keep my credibility

Forget my credibility. Following El is all that matters. He plays tricks all the time anway. It's what he's like. So don't lose faith

Remember when he made an Elly lookalike appear on cam just as I spoke about triplets? Even I thought it was her. So have faith. El is a tricker

Or when he told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? Then at the last minute said nah just joking. He might do that with me and the kingship as well

He sent me dreams of those places and people and I wrote the details. But the goldfish one was wrong. Were the others? I don't know

Heaven told me to say all of it. So maybe they're all wrong. But if they are it don't mean the kingship stuff is. Just that he may not always give me accurate visions about everything

The reason he does things like this is to remind us he is the one on control. Not us. The moment I start thinking I'm the one in control is the moment I become just a regular ruler who follows the wisdom of the world instead of heaven

That's the trouble with heaven and dreams. They're not physical things set in stone. Heaven don't always follow the laws of time space and logic. Plus dreams have different interpretations. They may be visions of maybes rather than definites

El wants you to know he is in control of the kingship. Not me. I'm just a seer. I see what he shows me in dreams. I write what he says under inspiration. He confirms it was inspired with signs

So don't write any of it off. We never know God's plans. Heaven tests people's faith all the time. So don't be surprised when things seem to go completely wrong. It's part of his plan and a way to test our faith

Yesterday the verse said he blesses folks who suffer for doing right and lets them go to heaven. It's right to follow El. Even if he seems to be steering us wrong. Even if we suffer for following him

He steered Abraham wrong with Isaac. But Abraham did right by following El anyway. By following what El told him to do he suffered great emotional turmoil

Yesterday daytime I wanted to wear a jacket. But he whispered in my ear to go out without one. I felt cold and uncomfy all day. So I was suffering for doing right. Suffering for following his guidance

When I got outside I felt cold straight away. But it was a test of faith. Would I complain go back home and put a warm jacket on? Or listen to the whisper and stay true to heaven's guidance?

He said I wouldn't need my phone either. So I left it at home. Then I realised I couldn't check the socials. So I felt anxious all day that the visions were wrong and folks would lose faith. But I couldn't check to see. That anxiety was also me suffering for doing right. Suffering for following heaven's advice

Anyone with any sense would think following heaven is stupid if it leads you wrong half the time. But God invented stupidity so it isn't always a bad thing. So follow even stupidly with faith

Today again the verse says even if you suffer as a Christian keep the faith. Christ himself suffered. So sometimes El makes us suffer for doing right

Today I'm suffering the shame and humiliation of speaking wrong visions. Maybe El has finished with me. Maybe I'll lose the crown forever. It don't feel good

But this is where Christ has led me and what he has told me to do. So I'm suffering for being a Christian. A follower of Christ. Just like the verse says

The fact the verse is saying what is going on means El knew all this would happen way before it did. Because the verse is telling the story as it's happening each day. I suffered the cold weather and the cold reception of my fake visions

The Bible says El won't lead you halfway then abandon you. He'll lead you all the way and finish the work he starts. As long as we keep following him all the way. All our lives. Then to heaven. Generation after generation

How many times has he inspired my words then shown the same concepts in the next day's devotional? So let's see what tomorrow's says. Maybe he'll prove all these words I'm saying are true

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...