Sunday 18 August 2024

Competing Queens

Stella has shown the bitterness of a cat drinking coffee this morn by calling Elly a dinosaur and saying she can live forever without us. Well that's not very nice is it? Why so bitter?

I think it's because she's as scared of Elly as the neighbourhood cats are of Fido the Pitbull who lives in the garden down the street

Understandable. Elly treats explosions and killing sprees like fun and games. Why would Stella even set foot in the same house as her? Let alone live with her?

Don't worry dear. The barks of dogs tend to be worse than their bites. Plus it's a well known fact the two species can live in the same house quite peacefully

I gotta be your responsible owner. Look after you both. Make sure you don't fight

That can be quite easily achieved as there is a rule I forgot to mention yesterday

If either of the trainee queens bites the other. Now it could be physically or mentally. By attempting to smear their reputation for example. That queen will lose her claim

The only way to win the throne is if you both agree to be good lifelong friends with each other. It cannot be won by putting each other down. In fact that is the way to lose the throne

Even after one wins the throne. The other will profit from staying on good terms and not going to the papers about that one drunken night the other is now so ashamed of

If the two of you do get into any bickering or quibbles. I as the good owner will help you both see each other's points of view and make peace

If I was to gang up with one queen against the other so she won by disqualification I would lose my right to be king. It is my job to train and look after you both equally

That means if one has a bad day or a bad month and bites the other I gotta step in to simmer the situation and help you both find a peaceful resolution

I'm a soul doctor remember. So don't worry. There's no trouble you two can make for yourselves or each other that I can't help you peacefully resolve

So Elly I want you to be nice to Stella from now on. No more explosions or barking to frighten her please. Show her you're willing to treat her nice

If you can't show her then sadly you will lose your right to train here. Part of your job is to support the first chosen in every way possible

Likewise it's part of Stella's job to support you. As queen candidates your destinies are now entwined for life. What happens to one will affect the other. So you must look after each other

So that's the next phase you girls. Show each other how nice you can be to each other online. Then we can talk about some equally nice real world living arrangements

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...