Saturday 27 April 2024

The Saint Inside

The other day I told you God sent me a fear of the Lord vid for you. Today's verse confirms it was sent by him

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Proverbs 9:10)

God is the most powerful being in existence. He controls every atom in this world, and judges spirits in the afterlife. So you should be scared of not doing what he tells you to do

He is the wisest being there is. So not doing what he says is the most foolish thing you can do

Doing what he says though is the wisest. So let's get married

The fact this verse appears a couple days after the vid I sent you is proof it was sent by him, as were all the other signs. Including the George's Day signs that warned you not to reject me or Judaism but do the opposite

El sent you both signs, and has again reminded Stella by dropping her viewcount

The dragon represents the devil in us all, the inner beast. It says bad things to other people. Whispers bad things in our ears. Tempts us to do all sorts of sinful things

George represents the angel in us all, the inner saint. It says good things to other people. Whispers good things in our ears. Advises us to do virtuous deeds

We each have a saint and a dragon living in us. The saint in us must slay the dragon so we're free to fly to heaven in the afterlife. Else it drags us down to reincarnation in lower realms

As you can see in the pic, when we let our inner saint take the reins, and we tie our inner dragon up, we're able to slay the dragon. It means be virtuous in every way, like I said the other day. Stop being petty, gossipy and gluttonous. Start following heaven with me. Heaven wants you to be friends with me and learn to be a holy queen. If you're wise you'll do as heaven requests. If Israel later decides it wants a queen, they'll have a fully trained one ready and waiting, won't they. So take my hand, princess - either of you or both - learn the ways of the spirit, and walk the holy way with me

Friday 26 April 2024

The Worst Queens

Stella, 666? What are you saying? If the devil owns power, and the Sunray Project wants to remove all power from the world and give it to God and the people, who do you think you're working for if unwilling to help?

Elly, potential future Queen of the Jews, it's Passover and you ate a horse! Horse is not kosher. Will you eat a cookie for me and the Jewish people to show some faith?

Hey Stella. Don't think you've got a halo either just because Elly ate a horse. Show some faith as well please. Honestly you girls are the worst queens in history

Must You Put a Twist on Everything?

When I eat food, I just eat for the joy of eating. I'm not trying to send you a hidden message. I know catfolk like to talk that way. But I don't. I'm frank. To me a cake is just a cake. If a cake happens to look like a petticoat, that's fun. Stuff having different shapes and colours is fun. Like flowers in a meadow and fruits on a tree. But I love food even if it has no special shape

Thursday 25 April 2024

Elly you notice how vid of the day speaker Caleb's background is the same as mine? It's confirmation the St George's Day signs were sent by heaven. He's from your state as well. Another sign. It means play your cards right and you and me can have a cushy homelife like Caleb and Stef. Looking forward to it. Love ya

Petticoat Tails

My friend woke me early hours this morn, crying on the phone. Said he's worried because he's really competitive and I'm not so does that make me better than him?

No, I said. Just different

Can you explain it to me please, he said. Because I'm completely confused and can't sleep

Alright, I said. Don't worry. Most folks are naturally competitive. It's just the way things are. It's a natural animal instinct. In the wild it helps folks get food and survive. But we're not in the wild anymore. So being competitive can be a bad thing. It can cause tension, spite, theft, murder and even war. Five bad things we don't really want in society

The good news is folks have already invented two wonderful ways of putting their competitive streaks to good uses - so that their competitive urges are focused on the two good things instead of the five bad things. The two good things folks have invented are - sports and games. I like one player or cooperative gaming. I'm not one for competitive gaming, but I know it's popular. All competitive games and sports are ways of applying your competitive drive in a friendly way. Friendly competition. But if you start competing for everything, like a place in the queue, or the fastest car or biggest house, you go from com-PETTY-tive to just plain petty. Competing over nothing of any import. When you start competing just for the hell of it, when there is no need, it turns bad and is a sin. But don't worry. Every human being is a sinner. We all just sin in different ways

My main sin is gluttony. But being petty - competing over silly stuff - is also a sin. So just as I have to watch my diet, you have to watch your pettiness, alright?

Alright, he sniffed, I guess. What if I don't though?

You'll be a petty person for the rest of your life. Is that what you want?

No, he said. How can I stop?

It's like eating, I said. Eating too much makes you overweight. Competing too much makes you petty. Both are bad character traits. Both are sins

Neither sin is allowed in heaven. So if you wanna go to heaven you have to give them up. But if you wanna get reborn as a selfish animal that only cares about eating or winning, just keep on feasting or being petty

What about other sins, like lust and that. Can I do them?

No sins are allowed in heaven. So you want to give them all up really. Lust is one a lot of people suffer from

How do I give it up, he asked

Same way as being petty


Yep. Even me and my mates used to lust when we were teens

You did?

We did. Like most folks we used to read topshelf mags. But I found one was never enough. Not one picture. Not one woman. Not one mag. We kept on reading a new mag every week

Eventually I realised no number of mags or women could ever satisfy. So I gave them up. I later realised the only real reason to go with a woman at all is to raise a fam. Any other reason is just lust. No man will ever be sexually satisfied with just one woman, and no woman with just one man. Because lust is a sin and cannot be satisfied

It's just the same with eating. If you're truly hungry, the smallest, plainest scrap of food will feel like the finest feast. But if you eat too much, even a feast fit for a king will feel unsatisfying

That's what women are like as well. If they make love too often they want more and more until you can't satisfy them. But if they only do it once in a while, even the tiniest bit of love will satisfy. So if your missus is giving you an ear ache in the bedroom, just tell her lovemaking will now only occur on special occassions so she appreciates it instead of being a love glutton

Monks and nuns don't love at all and they're always happy. So your wife should be grateful for love once a month. Give it to her every day and she'll soon get bored

As parents it's your duty to stay with each other for the good of your kids. So you don't wanna be getting bored with each other. Keep the romance alive by loving less. Sometimes less is more

It's the same with all sins. Less is more really is the key. So if you wanna be a better man, quit lust, quit overeating and quit being petty. Then you'll be like an angel, and can focus more on God and heaven

Then instead of wondering how you can do something petty to get something new, you'll find yourself praying to God, thanking him for what you've already got, having faith that if you follow him, he will give you all you need, on earth and in heaven, for he is lord of both worlds

"Then, because you live like Jesus lived, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel, and you will be able to sleep at night, instead of calling me on the phone in tears." (Philippians 4:7)

Here endeth today's lesson. And no lesson would be complete without a song

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Story Number 3 - Part 3

The stuff I said years ago was as automated as a tape recorder or a parrot. There was no thought or intention behind it. I hear words, I repeat words in various accents with no thought as to what they mean. It's a learning process. I speak first, think later. A lot later, years later. I mimicked reggae for years before I understood what any of it meant - like Jah, Babylon and buffalo soldier. Same with any of the random stuff I ever said to my girl. My only intention as ever was to socialise with her and entertain her by copying her words and jokes. It is just a natural impulse to me. Completely innocent. As innocent as a parrot who copies swear words. The parrot don't know it's swearing, and I didn't know I was making fun of something serious. I didn't know it would upset her. If there's anything I can do to make it up to her, all she has to do is let me know. But if she is fine with it now, there's really no need for you guys to keep going on about it either

The verse today is Mark 9:23
“Anything is possible for someone who has faith!” 3 is fam. So the numbers mean big success 2 your fam if you have faith

Folks sometimes think I'm obsessed with the number 9 for other reasons though. I'm not. I love all numbers equally. I just tell 9 jokes sometimes because it's fun and I'm a comedian

In my youth I wondered if size mattered. Doesn't everyone? But I would never use size against anyone in a competitive way. I'm not a competitive person. Such things have simply never bothered me. I never liked sports for the same reason. I never cared if I could do anything better than anyone else. It's just not the way my mind works

If I eventually found out size did matter, my natural reaction would just be to stay celibate. Sex has never been something I've cared much about. I was interested in the size issue just because it was a social issue I heard about all the time from people in real life and on telly, and all social issues interested me as I was being guided through the process of designing a social system for folks of all shapes and sizes. That was my main focus then and still is now

Morals have always been important to me all my life. I have always been interested in being fair and kind to everyone and doing what is right by everyone. I have believed in God ever since I first heard about him, and my belief in him has grown over the years

Instead of following God, folks get blinded by the glitter and glow of fame and wealth. That's why my queens think it's better to have those things than follow God. But they don't know what they're saying. They don't know God is far more precious than anything this world can give them. Just like I never knew what I was saying to my girlfriend years ago. They don't know what they're saying when it comes to God. They don't think he's real, just like I never thought abuse was real so didn't take it seriously. But abuse is real and so is God. So I can forgive them for not realising. I can understand how stupid they're being because I was just as stupid myself years ago before I knew anything. Yet I have learned. So I hope they can learn as well

Saint Signs

Last St George's Day Stella said she don't wanna marry me on a dragon vid. But didn't know it was St George's Day and he's a dragonslayer

God also lowered the views of her vids temporarily as a sign. All the sign is saying is God wants her to marry me so she should. Reason she don't is she might be worried what people think

Recently I been wanting to show Elly I like her as much as Stella. El inspired my cookie vid. That then made me think of Elly. So I complimented her on another account the day before St George's Day. I didn't think of it being St George's Day soon, I just went with inspiration

I didn't expect her to reply. Just wanted her to feel good. But she did say thanks. So I commented again, but then she blocked me on St George's Day

Also I had asked her the day before to make a religious cookie vid, but instead on the day she made a vid about eating a horse. It was St George's Day, and St George rode a horse, so it was like she ate his horse. Her vid got lower views as well

So as you can see God has sent the same sign to Elly on the same day as Stella. The message is the same as well. He wants Elly to marry me. Again the reason she don't is she might be worried what people think more than what God thinks

Right after thinking this I stumbled on a YouTube vid saying the same thing. It shows God must want the girls to see the vid. So it's my duty to post it here so they can view it. As a prophet it's my job to tell folks what God says (Ezekiel 33)

So check out the vid girls, meditate on what it means and try to see it is wiser to follow God with me than the ways of the world

It talks about women who want babies vs women who don't. So it's relevant to our situation

I know you want to go your own ways. I don't exactly wanna be a dad either. I just wanna play video games. But I have to follow God as well instead of going my own way. So don't feel like you're the only ones. Everyone who follows God has to do the same

If one of you wins the queenship it won't mean the other loses. As the other can still be part of Team World Peace. So both of you please feel free to have faith and follow me

Story Number 3 - Part 2

Long ago I was not very compassate toward my girlfriend as i had not understood what she had told me about a time she had been abused was true, I had thought she was just making it up, play acting,being an aspie,  i misunderstand lots of situations, it was not till years later when people were gossiping on line that I realised she must have been telling the truth
Sorry for misunderstanding I'm truly sorry and apologise

Monday 22 April 2024

Story Number 3

Everyone has been asking me to tell story number three again. As a bard it's my job to give my fans what they want

It was long ago when I was young, in my early twenties

All I had seen of life was childhood fun and games, teenage drink and drugs, fantasy films, books and games, a stint in army training, and a summer of love with a beautiful lady my age

It's all I knew of life. I never watched the news. Never gossipped. Never socialised much. Was socially blind basically. A loner. Spent all my time alone, living in my own fantasy world. I didn't know about the worlds other people lived in. I only knew about my own magical world

Then I met this girl. She told me the pedo tale I'd heard before. So I laughed and said yeah that one. That's a good one. Heard that one before. Like in the pedofinder general. Hilarious. Let's go kick some Mini-Me's around

Anyway, I'm 24, my libido is through the roof, you're a hot looking twenty something, I like you, let's do it, yeah?

Yeah, she said! So we did it!

But wait! You don't think what I said before and my love for you is connected, do you? Heh 😅. Because I just say random stuff on repeat like a parrot 🦜 like I've always done since I was five and have never stopped a day in my life ever

And that's all that happened. Though I never knew anything happened till many years later when I'd been accused of unholy things, and had sat in depression for over a decade trying to work out why

The jigsaw pieces gradually fell into place. She was thinking different stuff to me and I had no clue and we misunderstood each other. Sad story. But the good thing is we can all learn from this now and move on together as a community, each with a better understanding of ourselves and each other

Sunday 21 April 2024

Tennis with Words

As the gossip group are still going on about a two way, naturally flowing conversation I innocently had more than a decade ago while I was writing the Sunray Project, I feel I need to provide a clearer perspective of things

At the time I was just absentmindedly flowing along with what they were saying, bantering, improvving, rallying like in tennis. Only when they went cold, accused and threatened me did it hurt and seem serious

I got really worried, thinking the innocent things I said were an excuse for folks to attack me. I got scared because having autism I am mindblind so find it very difficult to know what people are thinking. So I hid away out of fear

In a way it was a good thing, as having no social connections enabled me to hear the voices of heaven more clearly. That's how I became such an avid follower as I am today

The downside though was my already poor social skills got even rustier and dustier, never being used

So when I finally emerged back on the social scene in October 22, I didn't have much social sense, so blogged my hypothetical thoughts on the topic in a carefree, rather slapdash way, and folks misunderstood some of the things I was saying

Well since then my social skills have improved, so I'm now able to write in a more courteous manner. I hope this clears up any confusion around the situation, and that we can all be good friends from now on

Saturday 20 April 2024

Let the Comments Commence!

Sorry I stepped on your toes before, Stella dear. Tell you what. Delete all my annoying comments and let's start afresh, shall we? I'll try to make comments more respectful and relevant to your content rather than waffling. How's that? If I overstep again, you can just delete the comment rather than block me. I will make effort not to say anything you'll wanna delete of course

Wednesday 17 April 2024


Saying some folks resemble birds is not science. Everyone resembles different animals. It's not set in stone. Just saying if you don't feel you belong somewhere you can live with folks you feel you fit more in with. You don't gotta tho. I'm not saying everyone who is catlike has to live in one place. I'm saying they can if they want. Don't take what I say too literally. The point of the new earth is everyone is free to live how they like

Tuesday 16 April 2024

The Oaf's Oath

Feel like a clumsy oaf
Stepped on my pet cat's toes
All I want is her hand
Just so she knows
She's made for me
We'll fit perfectly
Live comfily
In each other's company we will
And in future
Just so she knows
I'll keep an eye out for those toes

Saturday 13 April 2024

Dawg Diagram

Wear My Dawgs At?



hey you guys you like my pic? it shows cats and dogs living in peace following the guide 💚

I arranged them in two rows bcos it looked more orderly. an autistic thing

I said wear and dawgs bcos it's fun to miss spell stuff sumtimes. didn't give it much thought

yet since posting and reading comments I thought about it tons. even made a vid on it. so how you guys doin?

Wednesday 10 April 2024

One True Love

"I will give you a desire to be faithful." (Ezekiel 36:26)

That's yesterday's verse. It reminded me of you, Elly. You have shown love for me and I wanted to show I'll be loyal to you

So I started writing you this letter yestermorn. But then I got signs for Stella and her letter took precedence. I didn't have time to write both in the end

I was gonna skip this letter but felt inspired to finish it tonight. So here it is

I think you're a real nice gal. Wanna be my gal? I want you to be. You're welcome to live here with me

Heaven picked you just for me. So you'll be ideal for me. Everything about you

You're the best girl in the world for me

You'll be my workmate, best friend, wife and baby mama. My one and only one true love for the rest of my life

I know no one's perfect. But we have to love each other for all we are. All our good and bad points. In sickness and in health

My own fam you will be. Someone to depend on the rest of your life. Your next of kin

You get to leave leave your old fam and make a new one with me. Me and our kids will be ur family

Plus my fam will be yours. They will gain a daughter, yours will gain a son, and we will gain each other

I'll never date another. Dating for me will be over. There'll be no girl in my life other than you

Not because you're the only beauty in the world. But you're "the one." The one picked for me. The one I'll marry and make a fammy with

I don't need more than one house or garden or bed. My kids don't need more than one mum. I got one heart. Only room in there for one true love

If I try to fill it with more loves, it will break and I'll be heartless, not caring for your feelings anymore, only caring for my selfish self

More than one is greedy and breaks hearts. If I give half my love to another, I'll missout on half of you, and I don't want to miss anything about you

I want us to bond deep and stay in love forever and best friends, so our kids will always know both halves of them are meant to be joined together as one person

Also so they have two good role models all their lives. Our loyalty and love for each other will teach them true love and loyalty which they can share with their own true loves someday

Maybe one will be a scientist like you. Maybe one will read signs like me. Maybe one will do a bit of both. Who knows? God knows. So we gotta love and respect however God makes them in your belly. Love them for the unique new people they are. Teach them all we can but also let them be themselves

We'll have a good loveship, Electra. so much fun with films, vidgames, days out, nice food. We can even share science and religion a bit. We will change each other in gentle ways. We will both change a bit to suit each other

But we will also need our own space and time to focus on the things we like but the other don't

That's fine as long as we remember we're married and have just one spouse picked by heaven, we will always have someone to come home to and find the other waiting for and missing us

You'll have a nice boyfriend. Someone who knows the way of virtue. Someone who'll stay loyal and share the wisdoms of life with you. All my time as a monk will make me decent marriage material. So that's something good for you

I look forward to our love. I think itta be funner than with Stella in many ways. It will be a cosy happy fammy life I reckon. It'll be a warm loveship of the heart. With Stella my link would be more intellectual, as she's autistic like me. But both are matches made in heaven. So I have faith both would work

It's amazing to think there's two paths that would both be so different to each other, yet both are sent by God and will earn me angel dollars

The funnest bit is the choice is not even mine, it's yours. I will marry either one of you, but I don't even get to pick. Who will be the nicest, kindest, most virtuous and have most faith in heaven? That's the question. You will pick and God will pick. All I do is follow God. That's all you need to do as well. You can do that by chatting to me, your one true love picked by heaven

I think we're similar in many ways, Elly. I think we'll understand each other's jokes, and the way each other feels. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun

You were made for me. Before we were born, heaven said our bodies and souls are a match, and angels will guide us together as a couple if we listen to them and follow

You're younger than me, which shows heaven approves of age gaps. I think younger mums carry more easily, as nine months is a long time. Yet older men tend to be more reliable than younger, impulsive guys. So make better marriage material

Anyway I like everything I know about you. You seem like a decent gal. I'll be honoured to have you in my life. So get over here already on a date!

I thought you had already won. I thought Stella forfeited till I saw yesterday's signs. I was happy to have you and still am. But for now I see the competition is still open to you both

Plus the new verse today is a sign for you both. Both of you and both your people. The natives and the cats:

"God has shown us undeserved grace by coming to save all people. He taught us to give up our wicked ways and our worldly desires and to live decent and honest lives in this world." (Titus 2:11‭-‬12)

So it really could be either of you. We will have a tight, close-knit relationship and family if we live right and follow God, I'm sure. With either one of you it could work. You're both different. But one is not better than the other. Everyone is unique. Everyone is God's creation, and he knows best who to match us with. Then the angels send us signs to let us know

I wasn't gonna write this letter. Then I saw today's date - Wed 10 and knew I should finish it as it's about marriage and loyalty. There's two of you but I can only marry one. I only want to marry one. I'll give all my focus to just one of you to make you happy. But I don't know which one of you it'll be

It will be you Elly if Stella don't compete. If she does it could be either one of you.

I seen some new signs in your favour, Leccy, so you're still in the running for sure. So gimme a follow and boost your chances, love. We can date you know? It's part of the competition rules. I can date you both, on different days or all three of us. No kissing till the wedding day though

I'm guessing whatever one of you chats to and dates me the most will win. As that is what El is telling you to do. So that's all you gotta do really. Also be kind and virtuous, including to each other. Also loyal to me and the job of world peace leaders El is calling you to do, which I will train you up for. We gotta also especially focus on reaching out to the Jews and Palestinians and making oeace in the Holy Land. So you up for it? Come on. Itta be loads of fun for us as well as for a good cause in the world

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Heaven's Light

"I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts." (Ezekiel 36:26)

God says he will do this for you IF you turn to him and let him into your life. He gave you freewill and honours it, so won't force you to do that. The choice is yours

Stella I'm gonna be honest here just so you know how you've made me feel and how the cold makes people feel. You hurt me by ignoring me and hinting unkind things at me. Like icicles in my heart which has been loving and kind towards you, wanting what's best for you, trying to help you, steer you right, telling you when you're going the wrong way. So much I've done for you. Yet in return you've disregarded me like I'm nothing to you, like I don't even exist. It's cold. It hurts

Well here's a new lesson for you. You can put icicles in people's hearts sure, you have freewill. But what you can't do is put icicles in people's hearts and expect them still to have warm feelings for you. I loved you from the start, but you've driven all my love away till now I don't feel much for you at all

I'm telling you this today because the verse is about hearts plus there's a combo of signs telling me to write you this letter

So because of your consistent coldness for over a year, I don't exactly have much love for you right now. As you've been cold to me and heartless. You havent made me feel good. You've made me feel bad because you've not been courteous to me

So if God says I can stop writing to you I will, and gladly to be honest. Why would I wanna write to someone who don't seem to care about me at all? Stopping don't mean I'll be malicious toward you instead. Just I'll be free from your cold company

God said I could stop writing to you, and I happily did as you just make me miserable, focusing on you when you give nothing back. There's nothing there. No connection between us. Just my lovingkindness and your cold arrogance. You may think it's cool, admirable, respectable, but you're wrong. It's just horrible, obnoxious, unlikeable

Now God has shown you how cold he can be by telling me not to focus on you. You will end up like the people Jesus talks about in Luke 13:25-28. You're named after him. Yet do not follow him. Try living up to the name your parents gave you. Stop being too proud to do so

So how has it felt these past few days? How do you like being out in the cold now, like you have kept me in the cold this past year? It will only get colder by your own freewill as God and destiny move further away from you, if you keep being stubborn, hardhearted and not letting him or his prophet into your heart and life where we belong

You could be queen of the world, but you're being queen of nothing right now but your own little frozen kingdom that doesn't let any but the select elite in and will be crushed swift by the tides of time and the weight of the world and the winds of change. The wind gusted as I wrote that line. A sign the Lord wants me to include it

Yet even so after everything, God is calling you again today. Come back into the light my brokenhearted daughter, he says. He promised you a three year competition. But don't sit pretty on that promise, as you could get disqualified

Think about the rules. Yeah the competition will last three years. IF you actually compete. It doesn't just mean you've got a three year free rein to be an ass then win at the end. You could be disqualified at anytime by God if you do not even bother to actually enter the competition. I don't know all the rules, but he's already showing signs that you're not winning anything so far

"Turn to me" says the Lord "and I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts." (Ezekiel 36:26)

Your thoughts have been for everyone except me so far. All different men and women. Like a prostitute. You want total womanly freedom. To do whatever you want and not be loyal or faithful to anyone. Well no one like that can go to heaven. You will be shut out in the cold and dark like the people in Luke 13

But if you're sorry and turn to God he will forgive you. "He will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts." (Ezekiel 36:26)

Thoughts for true love. Loyalty to family. Service to heaven instead of to your greedy wallet that will be worth nothing in heaven

Elly is much warmer. I have a lot of love for her. I'll be faithful to her gladly if God says I can marry her. But today he says give you another chance. Will you be wise and take this chance and honour me by acknowledging or adding me? Or will you treat me like nothing still? Shut me out in the cold and dark? I don't care. The door of heaven is open to me. The warm light from inside shines down on me. The light of your love is not worth much compared to that. So shut me out all you want. Really you're just shutting yourself out from the good graces of God

A Worthy Cause

Memeulous! You're rich and everyone loves you! God gave you your wealth and fame as a gift. It only lasts a lifetime. Then you gotta die and meet your maker - the god who gave you the gifts - sitting on the judgement seat in the court of heaven. There you gotta give account of what you did with the gifts he have you

You felt inspired to repost a vid of mine. It was an amazing boost and for a good cause. I hope you repost other good cause vids, to bring people's attention to good causes in the world

I hope you repost more of mine or interact in other ways, like following or commenting, chatting to me or making vids about me. You will help just by interacting with me

You don't gotta do anything more than that. Just be your popular self that everyone loves, and associate with me lightly on the side. Then everyone will know Sunrayseer rolls with Memeulous, and we stand together in solidarity ✊️ for all the world's people

The sun shines on all. So the project will shine on all people and all cultures. So bring your people to the project by associating with me more!

Thanks for keeping me on your page for so long! It is an honour. Now what's the next step? If you want a breather, you can take my vid down and collect your thoughts, that's cool. Then I hope you come back in future!

Or if you wanna make more waves now, repost another, chat to me, make a vid about me, or follow me!

It is an honour to be liked and acknowledged by such a popular personality as you, Memeulous. You're one of my contemporaries, put here on this earth at the same time, to work together as part of the massive team we call the human race! So I will never forget the boosts you bring to the project, and I will always support and honour you in any way I can

Remember also what we do all this for. We do it for world peace and heavenly rewards in the afterlife. We get rewards on earth by helping others, and get rewarded in heaven by the god who created us all. Stay focused on those ideals and let them guide you. It's not about picking one side or another. It's about making peace for all sides and pleasing heaven

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...