Monday 22 April 2024

Story Number 3

Everyone has been asking me to tell story number three again. As a bard it's my job to give my fans what they want

It was long ago when I was young, in my early twenties

All I had seen of life was childhood fun and games, teenage drink and drugs, fantasy films, books and games, a stint in army training, and a summer of love with a beautiful lady my age

It's all I knew of life. I never watched the news. Never gossipped. Never socialised much. Was socially blind basically. A loner. Spent all my time alone, living in my own fantasy world. I didn't know about the worlds other people lived in. I only knew about my own magical world

Then I met this girl. She told me the pedo tale I'd heard before. So I laughed and said yeah that one. That's a good one. Heard that one before. Like in the pedofinder general. Hilarious. Let's go kick some Mini-Me's around

Anyway, I'm 24, my libido is through the roof, you're a hot looking twenty something, I like you, let's do it, yeah?

Yeah, she said! So we did it!

But wait! You don't think what I said before and my love for you is connected, do you? Heh 😅. Because I just say random stuff on repeat like a parrot 🦜 like I've always done since I was five and have never stopped a day in my life ever

And that's all that happened. Though I never knew anything happened till many years later when I'd been accused of unholy things, and had sat in depression for over a decade trying to work out why

The jigsaw pieces gradually fell into place. She was thinking different stuff to me and I had no clue and we misunderstood each other. Sad story. But the good thing is we can all learn from this now and move on together as a community, each with a better understanding of ourselves and each other

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...