Sunday 21 April 2024

Tennis with Words

As the gossip group are still going on about a two way, naturally flowing conversation I innocently had more than a decade ago while I was writing the Sunray Project, I feel I need to provide a clearer perspective of things

At the time I was just absentmindedly flowing along with what they were saying, bantering, improvving, rallying like in tennis. Only when they went cold, accused and threatened me did it hurt and seem serious

I got really worried, thinking the innocent things I said were an excuse for folks to attack me. I got scared because having autism I am mindblind so find it very difficult to know what people are thinking. So I hid away out of fear

In a way it was a good thing, as having no social connections enabled me to hear the voices of heaven more clearly. That's how I became such an avid follower as I am today

The downside though was my already poor social skills got even rustier and dustier, never being used

So when I finally emerged back on the social scene in October 22, I didn't have much social sense, so blogged my hypothetical thoughts on the topic in a carefree, rather slapdash way, and folks misunderstood some of the things I was saying

Well since then my social skills have improved, so I'm now able to write in a more courteous manner. I hope this clears up any confusion around the situation, and that we can all be good friends from now on

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...