Tuesday 9 April 2024

Heaven's Light

"I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts." (Ezekiel 36:26)

God says he will do this for you IF you turn to him and let him into your life. He gave you freewill and honours it, so won't force you to do that. The choice is yours

Stella I'm gonna be honest here just so you know how you've made me feel and how the cold makes people feel. You hurt me by ignoring me and hinting unkind things at me. Like icicles in my heart which has been loving and kind towards you, wanting what's best for you, trying to help you, steer you right, telling you when you're going the wrong way. So much I've done for you. Yet in return you've disregarded me like I'm nothing to you, like I don't even exist. It's cold. It hurts

Well here's a new lesson for you. You can put icicles in people's hearts sure, you have freewill. But what you can't do is put icicles in people's hearts and expect them still to have warm feelings for you. I loved you from the start, but you've driven all my love away till now I don't feel much for you at all

I'm telling you this today because the verse is about hearts plus there's a combo of signs telling me to write you this letter

So because of your consistent coldness for over a year, I don't exactly have much love for you right now. As you've been cold to me and heartless. You havent made me feel good. You've made me feel bad because you've not been courteous to me

So if God says I can stop writing to you I will, and gladly to be honest. Why would I wanna write to someone who don't seem to care about me at all? Stopping don't mean I'll be malicious toward you instead. Just I'll be free from your cold company

God said I could stop writing to you, and I happily did as you just make me miserable, focusing on you when you give nothing back. There's nothing there. No connection between us. Just my lovingkindness and your cold arrogance. You may think it's cool, admirable, respectable, but you're wrong. It's just horrible, obnoxious, unlikeable

Now God has shown you how cold he can be by telling me not to focus on you. You will end up like the people Jesus talks about in Luke 13:25-28. You're named after him. Yet do not follow him. Try living up to the name your parents gave you. Stop being too proud to do so

So how has it felt these past few days? How do you like being out in the cold now, like you have kept me in the cold this past year? It will only get colder by your own freewill as God and destiny move further away from you, if you keep being stubborn, hardhearted and not letting him or his prophet into your heart and life where we belong

You could be queen of the world, but you're being queen of nothing right now but your own little frozen kingdom that doesn't let any but the select elite in and will be crushed swift by the tides of time and the weight of the world and the winds of change. The wind gusted as I wrote that line. A sign the Lord wants me to include it

Yet even so after everything, God is calling you again today. Come back into the light my brokenhearted daughter, he says. He promised you a three year competition. But don't sit pretty on that promise, as you could get disqualified

Think about the rules. Yeah the competition will last three years. IF you actually compete. It doesn't just mean you've got a three year free rein to be an ass then win at the end. You could be disqualified at anytime by God if you do not even bother to actually enter the competition. I don't know all the rules, but he's already showing signs that you're not winning anything so far

"Turn to me" says the Lord "and I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts." (Ezekiel 36:26)

Your thoughts have been for everyone except me so far. All different men and women. Like a prostitute. You want total womanly freedom. To do whatever you want and not be loyal or faithful to anyone. Well no one like that can go to heaven. You will be shut out in the cold and dark like the people in Luke 13

But if you're sorry and turn to God he will forgive you. "He will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts." (Ezekiel 36:26)

Thoughts for true love. Loyalty to family. Service to heaven instead of to your greedy wallet that will be worth nothing in heaven

Elly is much warmer. I have a lot of love for her. I'll be faithful to her gladly if God says I can marry her. But today he says give you another chance. Will you be wise and take this chance and honour me by acknowledging or adding me? Or will you treat me like nothing still? Shut me out in the cold and dark? I don't care. The door of heaven is open to me. The warm light from inside shines down on me. The light of your love is not worth much compared to that. So shut me out all you want. Really you're just shutting yourself out from the good graces of God

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...