Tuesday 9 April 2024

A Worthy Cause

Memeulous! You're rich and everyone loves you! God gave you your wealth and fame as a gift. It only lasts a lifetime. Then you gotta die and meet your maker - the god who gave you the gifts - sitting on the judgement seat in the court of heaven. There you gotta give account of what you did with the gifts he have you

You felt inspired to repost a vid of mine. It was an amazing boost and for a good cause. I hope you repost other good cause vids, to bring people's attention to good causes in the world

I hope you repost more of mine or interact in other ways, like following or commenting, chatting to me or making vids about me. You will help just by interacting with me

You don't gotta do anything more than that. Just be your popular self that everyone loves, and associate with me lightly on the side. Then everyone will know Sunrayseer rolls with Memeulous, and we stand together in solidarity ✊️ for all the world's people

The sun shines on all. So the project will shine on all people and all cultures. So bring your people to the project by associating with me more!

Thanks for keeping me on your page for so long! It is an honour. Now what's the next step? If you want a breather, you can take my vid down and collect your thoughts, that's cool. Then I hope you come back in future!

Or if you wanna make more waves now, repost another, chat to me, make a vid about me, or follow me!

It is an honour to be liked and acknowledged by such a popular personality as you, Memeulous. You're one of my contemporaries, put here on this earth at the same time, to work together as part of the massive team we call the human race! So I will never forget the boosts you bring to the project, and I will always support and honour you in any way I can

Remember also what we do all this for. We do it for world peace and heavenly rewards in the afterlife. We get rewards on earth by helping others, and get rewarded in heaven by the god who created us all. Stay focused on those ideals and let them guide you. It's not about picking one side or another. It's about making peace for all sides and pleasing heaven

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...