Wednesday 24 April 2024

Story Number 3 - Part 3

The stuff I said years ago was as automated as a tape recorder or a parrot. There was no thought or intention behind it. I hear words, I repeat words in various accents with no thought as to what they mean. It's a learning process. I speak first, think later. A lot later, years later. I mimicked reggae for years before I understood what any of it meant - like Jah, Babylon and buffalo soldier. Same with any of the random stuff I ever said to my girl. My only intention as ever was to socialise with her and entertain her by copying her words and jokes. It is just a natural impulse to me. Completely innocent. As innocent as a parrot who copies swear words. The parrot don't know it's swearing, and I didn't know I was making fun of something serious. I didn't know it would upset her. If there's anything I can do to make it up to her, all she has to do is let me know. But if she is fine with it now, there's really no need for you guys to keep going on about it either

The verse today is Mark 9:23
“Anything is possible for someone who has faith!” 3 is fam. So the numbers mean big success 2 your fam if you have faith

Folks sometimes think I'm obsessed with the number 9 for other reasons though. I'm not. I love all numbers equally. I just tell 9 jokes sometimes because it's fun and I'm a comedian

In my youth I wondered if size mattered. Doesn't everyone? But I would never use size against anyone in a competitive way. I'm not a competitive person. Such things have simply never bothered me. I never liked sports for the same reason. I never cared if I could do anything better than anyone else. It's just not the way my mind works

If I eventually found out size did matter, my natural reaction would just be to stay celibate. Sex has never been something I've cared much about. I was interested in the size issue just because it was a social issue I heard about all the time from people in real life and on telly, and all social issues interested me as I was being guided through the process of designing a social system for folks of all shapes and sizes. That was my main focus then and still is now

Morals have always been important to me all my life. I have always been interested in being fair and kind to everyone and doing what is right by everyone. I have believed in God ever since I first heard about him, and my belief in him has grown over the years

Instead of following God, folks get blinded by the glitter and glow of fame and wealth. That's why my queens think it's better to have those things than follow God. But they don't know what they're saying. They don't know God is far more precious than anything this world can give them. Just like I never knew what I was saying to my girlfriend years ago. They don't know what they're saying when it comes to God. They don't think he's real, just like I never thought abuse was real so didn't take it seriously. But abuse is real and so is God. So I can forgive them for not realising. I can understand how stupid they're being because I was just as stupid myself years ago before I knew anything. Yet I have learned. So I hope they can learn as well

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...