Wednesday 10 April 2024

One True Love

"I will give you a desire to be faithful." (Ezekiel 36:26)

That's yesterday's verse. It reminded me of you, Elly. You have shown love for me and I wanted to show I'll be loyal to you

So I started writing you this letter yestermorn. But then I got signs for Stella and her letter took precedence. I didn't have time to write both in the end

I was gonna skip this letter but felt inspired to finish it tonight. So here it is

I think you're a real nice gal. Wanna be my gal? I want you to be. You're welcome to live here with me

Heaven picked you just for me. So you'll be ideal for me. Everything about you

You're the best girl in the world for me

You'll be my workmate, best friend, wife and baby mama. My one and only one true love for the rest of my life

I know no one's perfect. But we have to love each other for all we are. All our good and bad points. In sickness and in health

My own fam you will be. Someone to depend on the rest of your life. Your next of kin

You get to leave leave your old fam and make a new one with me. Me and our kids will be ur family

Plus my fam will be yours. They will gain a daughter, yours will gain a son, and we will gain each other

I'll never date another. Dating for me will be over. There'll be no girl in my life other than you

Not because you're the only beauty in the world. But you're "the one." The one picked for me. The one I'll marry and make a fammy with

I don't need more than one house or garden or bed. My kids don't need more than one mum. I got one heart. Only room in there for one true love

If I try to fill it with more loves, it will break and I'll be heartless, not caring for your feelings anymore, only caring for my selfish self

More than one is greedy and breaks hearts. If I give half my love to another, I'll missout on half of you, and I don't want to miss anything about you

I want us to bond deep and stay in love forever and best friends, so our kids will always know both halves of them are meant to be joined together as one person

Also so they have two good role models all their lives. Our loyalty and love for each other will teach them true love and loyalty which they can share with their own true loves someday

Maybe one will be a scientist like you. Maybe one will read signs like me. Maybe one will do a bit of both. Who knows? God knows. So we gotta love and respect however God makes them in your belly. Love them for the unique new people they are. Teach them all we can but also let them be themselves

We'll have a good loveship, Electra. so much fun with films, vidgames, days out, nice food. We can even share science and religion a bit. We will change each other in gentle ways. We will both change a bit to suit each other

But we will also need our own space and time to focus on the things we like but the other don't

That's fine as long as we remember we're married and have just one spouse picked by heaven, we will always have someone to come home to and find the other waiting for and missing us

You'll have a nice boyfriend. Someone who knows the way of virtue. Someone who'll stay loyal and share the wisdoms of life with you. All my time as a monk will make me decent marriage material. So that's something good for you

I look forward to our love. I think itta be funner than with Stella in many ways. It will be a cosy happy fammy life I reckon. It'll be a warm loveship of the heart. With Stella my link would be more intellectual, as she's autistic like me. But both are matches made in heaven. So I have faith both would work

It's amazing to think there's two paths that would both be so different to each other, yet both are sent by God and will earn me angel dollars

The funnest bit is the choice is not even mine, it's yours. I will marry either one of you, but I don't even get to pick. Who will be the nicest, kindest, most virtuous and have most faith in heaven? That's the question. You will pick and God will pick. All I do is follow God. That's all you need to do as well. You can do that by chatting to me, your one true love picked by heaven

I think we're similar in many ways, Elly. I think we'll understand each other's jokes, and the way each other feels. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun

You were made for me. Before we were born, heaven said our bodies and souls are a match, and angels will guide us together as a couple if we listen to them and follow

You're younger than me, which shows heaven approves of age gaps. I think younger mums carry more easily, as nine months is a long time. Yet older men tend to be more reliable than younger, impulsive guys. So make better marriage material

Anyway I like everything I know about you. You seem like a decent gal. I'll be honoured to have you in my life. So get over here already on a date!

I thought you had already won. I thought Stella forfeited till I saw yesterday's signs. I was happy to have you and still am. But for now I see the competition is still open to you both

Plus the new verse today is a sign for you both. Both of you and both your people. The natives and the cats:

"God has shown us undeserved grace by coming to save all people. He taught us to give up our wicked ways and our worldly desires and to live decent and honest lives in this world." (Titus 2:11‭-‬12)

So it really could be either of you. We will have a tight, close-knit relationship and family if we live right and follow God, I'm sure. With either one of you it could work. You're both different. But one is not better than the other. Everyone is unique. Everyone is God's creation, and he knows best who to match us with. Then the angels send us signs to let us know

I wasn't gonna write this letter. Then I saw today's date - Wed 10 and knew I should finish it as it's about marriage and loyalty. There's two of you but I can only marry one. I only want to marry one. I'll give all my focus to just one of you to make you happy. But I don't know which one of you it'll be

It will be you Elly if Stella don't compete. If she does it could be either one of you.

I seen some new signs in your favour, Leccy, so you're still in the running for sure. So gimme a follow and boost your chances, love. We can date you know? It's part of the competition rules. I can date you both, on different days or all three of us. No kissing till the wedding day though

I'm guessing whatever one of you chats to and dates me the most will win. As that is what El is telling you to do. So that's all you gotta do really. Also be kind and virtuous, including to each other. Also loyal to me and the job of world peace leaders El is calling you to do, which I will train you up for. We gotta also especially focus on reaching out to the Jews and Palestinians and making oeace in the Holy Land. So you up for it? Come on. Itta be loads of fun for us as well as for a good cause in the world

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...