Thursday 12 September 2024

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny because the vid was about true love. The 57 was because of how the past drove me mad. But it was a completely different notion. I didn't relate the 46 and 57 as one meaning. They were both from different chains of thought. It's late. I'm tired and wasn't thinking of the whole picture. Sorry everyone. Hintish is not my first language so am clumsy with it. Both hints were just jokes is all. The 57 was humorous because it drove me mad like thedjmh. The 46 was also humorous because it's not the most desired for true love. So it was just two harmless jokes. But combined they may have given a different unintended meaning. Sorry about that. Just forget that unintended message and focus on the jokes as that's what I meant by them. Just hoping to make you giggle

Saturday 7 September 2024

Sun Deal

Elly everywhere I go I think of you. I wish you were here. There's a whole new life waiting here for you. You remind me of Mist and my grandpa. You're one of us. A member of the tribe. So glad you're first in line now. You spoke to me. Were nice to me. Have shown more signs of faith. The other girl has been more difficult. It's nearly been two years now. I was glad but sad as well when she lost the crown. I genuinely wanted to make it work with her. So was kinda sad when she threw it all away. Kinda glad though as what a difficult queen she would be. Also I'm compassionate you know. The verse said go easy on her so I did. Then El said she can still be next in line. So I was like what? So I was in a bit of a daze when I uploaded the 28th vid. Maybe it seemed like I forgot about you. As I put four hashtags and eight credits. Sorry about that. I didn't forget you. I was just eager to give her a ray of hope. Let her know it wasn't over. That we wasn't just pushing her out like big bullies who didn't care. That she still had a chance. Heaven told me and inspired the sun deal song days ago. So I knew she was allowed to be second in line now. But no one else knew. So me hinting at it maybe confused you. But now you know so it should all make sense. I thought she might die without a glimmer of hope. So I made the four and eight hints quite obvious. So it'd be quite clear there was hope for her. I didn't think it might make you think I had forgotten you. I didn't mention you as you're first in line now. So I guessed you didn't need a boost of hope. But I thought she might be super sad. I can't call her by her holy name anymore unless she accepts the sun deal. So let's wait and see if she does or not. But if she does or not don't matter to us. You're first in line now Elly. So just get over here and take everything that's yours. You're gonna be my wife and queen now and it's all here waiting for you. So just get on a plane and step into the new life heaven has given you. You're welcome here. I'm looking forward to it. You'll be one of the fam. If Stella accepts the sun deal she has the choice to live here as well. To be godmum and stand in for you if you lack faith. Else it's just me and you all the way. I'm happy whatever you each decide. If I'm single or with either one of you or both. I'm easygoing

Sunday 1 September 2024


There's an old Jewish story. It goes like this. "Esau liked the outdoors and became a good hunter, while Jacob settled down and became a shepherd. Esau would take the meat of wild animals to his father Isaac, and so Isaac loved him more, but Jacob was his mother's favourite son. One day, Jacob was cooking some stew, when Esau came home hungry and said, “I'm starving to death! Give me some of that red stew at once!” That's how Esau got the name “Edom”. Jacob replied, “Sell me your rights as the firstborn son.” “I'm about to die,” Esau answered. “What good will those rights do me?” But Jacob said, “Promise me your birthrights, here and now!” And that's what Esau did. Jacob then gave Esau some bread and some of the bean stew, and when Esau had finished eating and drinking, he just got up and left, showing how little he thought of his rights as the firstborn." (‭Genesis 25:27-34)

This is how Jacob became the father of the Jews. When history repeats itself it heralds the dawn of a new age. El told me this verse this morn about you. Then I saw today's chapter mentions him too

"That silly couple strut and boast and say, “The Lord God of Jacob doesn't see or know.” To them I say really? You silly pair. Can't you see? Won't you ever learn? God is the one who gave you ears and eyes! Don't you think he can hear and see everything you do?" (Psalm 94:4‭, ‬7‭-‬9)

El saw what you did. He saw like Esau. Saw you're like Esau. Showed me in a dream what the two of you did. At 2 this morn. Two is a couple in number language

When I saw you both in the dream I cried out for you to stop. Don't hug him like that. You were in a black dress. Don't try giving him your heart like that. Don't go giving her what she hankers for bro. It's only to try to cover her fears. She's using you and it will never work. Don't do it bro because you know. There's brave and then there's stupid. But it was too late. She hugged you and I saw the crown fall off her head. She drew a picture of your name on her phone. Tony. Then I woke and saw her vid. Her eyes demonic red. Radiation detected. Demonic spiritual radiation. The radiation of sin

She did as she was told not to do. I didn't think she was mad enough. But she did it anyway. So that's that. Elly is the new first chosen then. Was it worth it St... Well whatever your name is. Means the throne is yours no more

Elly you don't have any competition now. So now's your chance. Your second actually to secure the throne for yourself. So add me and it's me and you all the way. Itta be wise to add me now before El does to you what he did to St... to her

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...