Thursday 19 September 2024


Good morrow Stella. Hey you took the sun deal. That's great news. It will evaporate the flood of tears you cried over losing first place to the throne. It really was a wise choice to accept it. Heaven has confirmed it. Did you notice? You got the most views ever for your sun acceptance vid. Not the first time either is it. Remember the miracle sign? You said miracle and heaven gave you miracle views. Didn't believe it then did you. Believe it now? Heaven has sent a lot of signs hasn't it. Good and bad. Like when you cheated recently it showed me in a dream. Then sent a psalm the next day saying heaven sees all. Psalm 94. Remember? Verses 4 and 7 to 9

Now look at yesterday's psalm. I changed the words so you can easier see how it relates to you. But though the words have changed the meaning stays the same. It was David talking to God thousands of years ago. But as it's you now reading the words it's you talking to God today:

"You are kind God! Please have pity on me. You are always merciful! Please wipe away my sins. Wash me clean from all my sin and guilt. I know I have sinned and the guilt weighs heavy on me. You are the one I have sinned against. I have disobeyed your laws and signs. So it is right and fair for you to correct me. I have sinned and done wrong since the day I was born. We all have. But sin is not what you want from us. It doesn't interest you. You want complete honesty faith and virtue. So please teach me the way of virtue and true wisdom. Wash my soul with soap until it is whiter than sunshine. Then I will be happy and joyful. The sorrow of displeasing you crushed my spirit. Now let my spirit celebrate. Forgive the sins of my past so I no longer need to feel guilty about them. Put virtuous thoughts in my mind and make me faithful to you again. To you and the family you blessed me with. As being faithful to you includes being faithful to the things you give me. Don't forget me or let me forget about you. Make me as happy as I was in the old days before I ever went astray. Make me want to obey you all day every day. I will teach sinners all around the world your laws and they will turn to you like I'm turning to you now. Don't let me go astray and sin again. All I want is you from now on. You're the only one who can lead me to heaven. My amazing shepherd god. Let me back into your good graces and I will shout and sing about your kindness and miracle powers to everyone. Inspire my words. Speak through me so everyone can hear love and light and praise you. Grain offerings and blood sacrifices are not what you want. The way to please you is to be truly sorry deep in our hearts. This is the kind of sacrifice you won't refuse. Please be willing Lord to help the city of Zion. Make peace for its people and rebuild it's broken walls. Then we will honour you at all the temples in the land. All the mosques synagogues and churches. No longer will we slay bulls and offer you their blood atop Mount Zion. You will send a bull king and queen from heaven to rule the land. (Taureans. I don't know Elly's sign. But as Stella is Taurean this verse relates to her.) The king and queen you pick and send will sacrifice their energy and time to lead your holy nation to global peace. (Even if it's me and Elly. In my dream last night I saw you were on a horse with a bow at night. You shot an arrow at the sky and it made a trail of stars. I'm guessing the horse stands for the native peoples and the stars promise their continued success in this world and worlds of the future. It may also mean you're a Sagittarius. Am I right? I sometimes write that SagiTAURUS. Horses are like bulls. So this verse can relate to you as well. As the arrow is your horn. Let us know what your star sign is in your next vid. Anway) They'll be a new kind of temple creature. Their work will usher the dawn of the new temple guild worldwide. A guild that will stand for the good of all the planet's people." (Psalm 51)

This is heaven speaking to you ladies so listen. Learn to speak heaven's language. The language of coincidences and dreams. Or synchronicity. It is offering you the chance to be followers of heaven once again. Winter is coming so now is the time

To claim the offer you just gotta do what the signs and spirit are saying. Accept my offer of friendship. Not just to train but campaign with me for world peace. Remember when this all started? All the signs blessings and curses that have been sent since? They all add up. They all make sense. Piece them all together like in a taxonomy chart or periodic table

Do you understand what all this means? It means heaven isn't just speaking to me with signs it's speaking to you. Can you see how supernaturally mind-blowing and wonderful that is? Trust me Stella. With spiritual power like that you'll never care about cheating again. Such earthly delights pale in comparison to the power of the holy spirit. So accept the spirit's gift of guidance. Read the Bible every day and realise heaven speaks to you through it. Then do as it's been asking all along. Live here and campaign with me for world peace. You me and Elly will all campaign as a team. She is first in line now. Yet heaven has sent you more signs Stella. So obviously it still cares. You still have a destiny with us and there's still a chance you can be queen of Israel. So step up now as the Lord requests. Follow me on TikTok and we'll live our lives as a team from this day forward

Today's psalm (19:17) says caring for the poor is lending to El and you will be repaid. El repays you for all the good you do in heaven's service. You're the trainee queen of Israel. Yet ignored El's instructions and went to Dragon Con unauthorized just to chase a pleasure of the flesh. You didn't do heaven or Israel any good by sneaking off like that. You didn't do the job El has given you so heaven won't pay you anything for it. Now all that can change. From now on you can make every day the day you do what heaven says. This is your destiny. Yours and Elly's both. To train and campaign here with me. Just chat online for now by adding me. We'll bond each day. Work on some vids. Live as a fam when the time is right. When Elly finishes college

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The Centaur

When I look at Elly I think wow stunning woman. When I listen to her words I think fun college girl. When I dream of her I dream of a compan...