Monday 22 July 2024


Now someone says I'm just a normal guy who likes women. Well that's no secret. There is a natural attraction. They said why am I making out like I don't like my queens or animé? Actually I love my queens and animé and that's no secret either. So they said why don't I like animé girls? I said well I do but it's not my main reason for liking animé. So they said why wasn't I looking for a girlfriend years ago? I said I was. They said why wasn't everything that happened lust? I said I've never had a strong sex drive. I'm kind of asexual. I care more about being friends and connecting. I've always been deep minded. Always wanted to be a monk. Always felt close to the spirit realm. When you're like that physical things fade and lose their appeal. I mostly just use physical substances absentmindedly as a kind of stim. Rocking back and forth. Eating food. Drinking alcohol. Making love. It's all just mechanical. A way of coping with the deep emotions and thoughts I have. The physical rush is a kind of self medication for me. It lightens the burden of carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. But I don't really desire love or snacks or drinks. They're just drugs to me. Medicines. I overused them all. I saw they're all the same. I quit them all first in my teens and wowed my friends. They said I was a light to them. Since then I was always switching between binging and abstaining from everything. Eventually I went total monk like now and am in complete abstinence. That's just me it's who I am. Yeah ladies are pretty. Guys are handsome. I know it. Drink gives a thrill. So do truffles. Yeah I don't deny any of it. All I'm saying is I've always wanted to be a monk. I've never really cared that much about the things of the world. Now I am a monk. Allah is pleased with me because I follow him. He is telling me to share the way with you. You gotta stop thinking everything is about sex and start realising there's more to life. There's a spiritual reality. Angels gods and heaven. I've always been attuned to spirit and it has been my life's work and study. I've always had a penchant for virtue and a keen moral compass. Always been kind and tried to do right by everyone. I care so much about everyone I find it difficult to cope so resort to substances which are just there and mindlessly easy to imbibe to take the weight off and numb my feelings. That's the motive for every sin I've ever done. Nothing has been cruel or premeditated. Just impulsive substance use. I'm a spiritual person. I don't much care about women men gossip the news war or anything like that. My mind is always on spiritual things. Maybe some of you guys don't ever focus on religion so you just see the physical world all the time and think I must be the same but I'm not. Maybe you mistske me for someone who has a lot of schemes and ulterior motives but that's just not me. I'm a spiritual guy here to teach you the ways of the spirit which I know better than any other way such as the worldly ways of corruption competition and selfish desire. Those are not my ways. I'm a holy guy you know. Spiritual. I found this song. Heard it for the first time tonight. I guess it describes the way I feel about all this stuff. It's all sin the lot of it. Drink truffles lust feasts. I never really loved any of it. It was just medicine to cope with emotions. I'm glad to have quit it all. It's nasty stuff. Going without it is the best way. Everyone has their medicine but it's all junk you don't need so give it up with me. It is a bad song and bad vid but it's just for catharsis. This time for my own catharsis. Waving goodbye to the demons of my past. Again. The voices and the demoness. Good riddance. They were never me and now I'm free and want you to be free of them with me. So let the vid exorcise it all out of you like it was once out of me. Then we can follow heaven as a team and set the world free of war making peace on earth for all


I'm getting called a snake. Bit confused as why. I explained one thing yesterday. Now I was focusing on the chosen queens again. Did I miss something between then and now? I feel like I must have but I'm not sure what it is. I'm being mind blind aren't I. I know there's something I can't see but I can't see it so I don't know what it is. Oops. I think I see it now. I said I was embarrassed about the games. Now I post pics of card queens? Um. They're adult looking pics though. Still too cartoonish after yesterday? Ah. I'm not really sure what other pics I shoulda used. I do just like art. Is it sending the wrong message? What do you want to see? Lemme know in the comments. I was filming a bunch of other stuff. But this fun vid appeared first in my drafts. I kept seeing the trend and I made the vid at random so just posted it as it looked alright. Maybe I didn't think through what hints it might give. Still not sure what hints it is giving. How does it make me a snake? It's the same queens. That shows loyalty right? Plus the heart one means I can only pick one. So as for me nothing has changed. Yet I can sense somehow because of yesterday something is different but I don't know what. The queens look like animé girls? Does that make me a snake? Maybe it could except I didn’t pick them. Yet I depicted them just now as cartoon figures on cards? So what does it mean to you? That I desire my queens for my personal delight instead of for Allah and the kingdom and the heirs? Wow. Well I really didn't expect all of that to be the impression it was giving. Allah made this happen for a reason. So I would write you this. Basically I'm oblivious. I'm working it out now of course. Um. Chun Li. The animé art in general. The queens. Alright yeah I can see they're all beautiful. I know what beauty is. Like a sky or forest. People can look beautiful as well. I appreciate beautiful things. But beauty is fleeting and not something to base a relationship on. A true love romance has to be spiritual to last as beauty does not last. So I don't care about their beauty in that way. I just think it's great they can get a lot of followers because they're appealing to the eye. I wanna be more appealing as well. So I tried to look good in the vid. They can help me spread the holy teachings of virtue with all their likes because of their beauty. Animé is so popular so beauty must be popular like my queens. I think that's really great. I wish I could draw animé and both my queens can! That is just amazing to me and something I love about them both. But beauty is a gift and should only be used for good purposes. Not for your own vain selfish pleasure or to allure people in a lustful way so they do favours for you. Those are sinful uses of beauty. Beauty should be used to serve Allah by leading followers on the right path by sharing his teachings with all who find your beauty appealing. That is one of the things I want to train my queens to do. That is also the spirit of my latest vid. Do you see now? Have I understood what everyone is thinking as well? So what vid would you like to see next from me?


When we don't know Allah we live as the wild ones. Free loving. The love that never satisfies and leads us all astray. Allah forgives. When we know Allah he asks of us loyalty faith and virtue. Allah is rewarding. When we hear but walk away to the wilds Allah lets us go. He gives us freewill. The way of virtue leads to Jannah. The realm of endless joy. Allah is there. The way of sin leads to Jahannam. Far from Jannah. Far from joy

Sunday 21 July 2024

New Me

I suffer from false guilt. I played games with cartoony graphics since I was a kid. Never stopped playing em. Never thought there was a reason to

I played games with realistic graphics as well. I never saw the difference. It was all just games to me. But when I spoke about spiritfarer and everyone went crazy I realised that's not the style of game that would suit me

I only got a PS4 a few years ago. I haven't played it much. I played borderlands. The new final fantasy 7 and final fantasy 15. But I also played some cartoony ones

Before the PS4 the last console I had was a PS2 in my teens and the last game I played was final fantasy ten. My main memories though are from the years before that on PS1 and megadrive. So I thought there was nothing unusual about buying a new game called world of final fantasy which reminded me of final fantasy 7. That was the best game I ever played and the fave game of me and all my mates

Dexter's Lab. Pokémon. Kingdom Hearts. World of Final Fantasy. I didn't see anything unusual about the art style and didn't think my age made a difference

But after folks reacted to spiritfarer I didn't want them reacting to that as well. I thought it would be embarrassing if I get a girlfriend and they see what games I played

I also played monster boy and the cursed kingdom which I was embarrassed about. I played it because wonder boy 3 the dragon's trap was my favourite childhood game

So because I had played these games recently I felt false guilt and panicked. I wanted a new me for the future as a dad and hubby and a fresh start for my new life with my queens

But how could I have a fresh start and a new mature me if I got world of final fantasy as the first game I played? The only way was to break my playstation and create a new account playing only realistic graphic games

I'm sure a lotta cartoony fans have the same issue. Maybe we should stand up for comic pride and show folks there's nothing wrong with it? Or accept it's not the fashion now for adults so we gotta move on with the times? What you guys reckon? Is the cartoon style silly or a valid expression of art?

I didn't delete my account. So I can log in on a different system to show my queens. False guilt makes you act like real guilt. If I think someone is thinking something bad of me I try to remove the thing that would be making them think it

I thought the cartoony games might make folk think bad of me. So I broke my PlayStation. It sounds crazy and maybe it is but it was just false guilt. Same as always. Mist was doing housework at the time. She said what am I doing. I said it's childish and want a fresh start for my gf. She sighed and said alright

I wrote this letter before lunch yesterday and thought that was all. Then some lovely fellows kindly pointed out one of the girls I once dated had a slim figure a bit like some of the animé girls you sometimes see. They was wondering if that's why I watch animé and if that's the reason I dated her at all

The answer is no and no. I think I like animé because the facial expressions are easier to understand than real people maybe. I dunno. Soon as I saw the Streetfigter II animé I was a fan. They were doing martial arts drawing blood and swearing! I was ten and it was the coolest most amazing thing I had ever seen! I have loved animé ever since

What about the girl. Why the girl? I was truffled. When truffed I'll dance with anyone. I've had fun with all kinds of guys and gals of all shapes and sizes

I never gone looking for a certain type. Never been that fussy. I'm easy come easy go with whoever. I'm eclectic I guess is the best way to describe my taste

How did we meet? She spoke to me. I was friends with her friends. She asked me on a date and that's how we met. She wanted to move fast but I'm really slow and more into partying than dating. So we didn't do anything. Just truffed till the next day with a bunch of other trufflers

It's usual for her to date the well known different members of the crew on different days. So when her bf asked what we had been upto she said nothing meaning nothing outta the ordinary

But as my social skills were rusty and awkward being autistic I said no tell him. I meant tell him she asked me on a date and we spent the night on truffles

She just wanted me to buy more for her and her crew. So she hugged me a couple times to encourage me to buy more. Her bf knows what she is like and don't care

I felt the same joy with her I felt with her bf and all the guys in her crew. It's like one big happy fam really. Even he said I was his cousin and we slept in the same bed before. So there's nothing I did with her I didn't also do with him. We was all just friends

I had fun with her and the crew so went back and saw the guys again the next night or a few nights later can't remember. I didn't seek her out just the guys and she just happened to be there so we all went out together again as a group. Her boyfriend wasn't there that time. Just some other guys and she was dating a different guy that night. She's like that

She has one boyfriend but dates other guys on the side. Her boyfriend knows so there was no problem and nothing unusual going on. He has his own business to attend to when she's not with him

I was perfectly happy with the situation and having fun all night till the truffle supply ran out. Then we was asleep in the living room. I woke up and it was just me on one couch and her on the other

I had basically ignored her all night till now as I was busy truffling with the other guys doing magic tricks rapping wrestling and talking politics as you do. But now I was bored and wanted to ask her if she wanted to get more truffles with me. But I felt like she was mildly annoyed I had ignored her all night instead of asking her for dates

So to show her I liked her as a person I said let's make it a date. The normal sort of fun truffle date she always goes on and her boyfriend knows about. But it was so late it was early. I was sleep deprived and truffled. I'm autistic and lack social skills. So the way I asked was maybe not the way most guys normally ask her

It was logical to me. I thought she wanted to feel liked by me because she is used to getting that kind of attention from everyone. So I said I liked her. Also the other guy was asleep upstairs and I didn't have much money left so I whispered it. She didn't respond but was just laying there and I sensed she could hear me. So being autistic I went into Penny knock knock mode about it

I see now that might seem a bit pushy but was really just a genuine lack of grasping social rules. She wasn't answering so I assumed she didn't understand what I was saying so I kept repeating myself waiting for her answer

As when someone doesn't understand I was taught to repeat myself. So I kept repeating myself till the other guy came downstairs. By then the truffles had worn off so I told them I love them BOTH like I always tell everyone and went home

Money was dwindling and I still felt like I had mildly insulted her by not paying her the usual attention. I didn't wanna meet with the guys again as buying everyone truffles is a cash drain. I was nearing the end of my wild binge week so thought I'd just go out with her this time

I was still totally truffled and forgot to get her number so wrote her a quick letter instead telling her to call me. Being a poet I guess I wrote it a bit more stylish than a usual letter and signed it all my love

That signature is what everyone in my fam always wrote in letters. My nan mum and sis all signed letters like that and they raised me as a kid more than my dad so that's the style I adopted. I always tell everyone I love them I'm friendly

So the letter was just me looking for a cheap truffle session with one person instead of many. She was the obvious choice for a truffle chum at that moment. I already went out with the other guy just me and him. Went out with the group twice as well. The only one left really was her. She didn't reply to the letter though so I went truffling elsewhere. Then my dough ran out so I didn't truffle again for months and went back to my studies

I didn't realise till weeks later when I'd sobered up that her boyfriend got suspicious because of the letter and the awkward way I said tell him when she said nothing happened

He called me but I was sober. I had no social skills when sober and felt unwell and really wasn't up for talking to anyone so just ignored the calls and thought if I just keep my distance he'll see I was just drunk waffling

So there was nothing suspicious about any of it. It was just my week's holiday off work spent getting truffled with a bunch of folks who now I think about it probably have ADHD like me which is why we get on fairly easy and love truffles

Someone else pointed out I made friends with some skinny guys recently. Well again that's just coincidence. I'll make friends with anyone. I don't judge people by their weight

Sunday 14 July 2024

Trump Sign

Big news. Assasination attempt on Trump. As we know I'm campaigning for a new royal fam for Israel. Like running for president. It has been one of the main topics here for a while now hasn't it

Chris Chris even made a spoof campaign vid the other day. It's the latest on his YouTube account right now. Gotta watch it if you haven't seen it yet and remember to add a like

As we know the king of Israel campaign will be big news. It will make me and my queen world leaders like Trump. As world leaders of the future this event is also a sign for us. Let's look at all the details and see what they mean. First the time. 6:11 pm. Or 18:11. As you know these have been some of the most relevant numbers since the start of my campaign two years ago. So straight away it relates to us. It's not 28 or 38 past. It's 18. One eight. Just one. Unspecified as to who it is. This shows it can relate to either queen. The 11 of course relates to peace which is the goal of the campaign. This tells us if we want peace there has to be just one 8 - that is one queen with one womb. In other words loyalty in marriage. This has been one of the main topics since I started campaigning

The 18 is also a 6 when written 6pm. As we know I'm a Mr 6. It has been another hotly debated topic among the following. So the 6 can represent me. A sign I am to be the father and the queen must accept me as her one true love from all the other guys at the market

The shooting was in the county of Butler. A butler is a servant. This reminds us we're to serve the people as king and queen. To lead you to peace and happiness. Not to use our power for selfish deeds that only serve ourselves

The 6 and the 11 tell us we gotta work for world peace. Put our main focus on it. Not on dinos or other fun stuff we like. Also that our love must be for peace not pleasure. To raise a fam for Israel. Heirs who can lead the world to peace

The town name Connoquenessing means "for a long way straight." A sign to tell us the girls need to walk the straight path of virtue with me so we can give our all to the world peace mission of ending wars instead of chasing earthly delights. The town is in the state of Pennsylvania. This also has a meaning. A warning to the queens not to indulge in temporary pencil love that can be erased. As that is vane. We want chisel love that is carved into stone

Pennsylvania means forest. A forest has many trees. This is a sign for my queens not to cheat. But stay true to one man and one family tree. So our tree can grow strong and lasting roots that spread many branches and bear much fruit by working for peace in the world

It takes loyalty and dedication to make a tree grow strong and likewise with a family. A devoted mother wife and queen is required to make the fam as strong as poss. So the kids are best equipped to serve the world with love

Failure to raise the kids right due to laziness or cheating will result in spiritual debt for the queen. But raising them right will set examples for future fams. So she can be a role model for wives and mums and earn spirit dollars to spend

A forest is a wild place where animals live. A sign to not indulge in wild love like animals. Just the tame love of marriage. Else we don't deserve to be called royal or lead a land if we can only act like animals. This is why the queens must train

Sadly two people perished in the shooting. If we pray for them our spirit energy will help guide them to the righteous path in the sea of dreams where it can be murky and easy to lose direction. The two people were the shooter and a bystander. This shows us shooting at people is a sin as heaven punished the shooter. Second it shows we as leaders must have the utmost moral standards to lead our followers right and not lead them astray. As if we go wrong they may suffer the consequences as well as us. So we're responsible partly for them as well as ourselves. That is why the virtue path is serious. Not something to joke and say oh let's just go wild and not worry. It is of utmost importance that holy queens be not just holy in word but holy indeed

Pennsylvania is the home state of my second queen. If I'm like Trump this serves as a reminder to me she is the second chosen. So if both girls train here with faith and please El I am obliged to give Stella priority to my hand and the throne. I must not pick Elly first. This confirms Stella is first in line as the signs have said

Trump's ear was wounded. A sign I must listen to the wisdom of the way. Serve the people and world peace. My agenda must be to work for peace for all and raise my kids to do the same as heirs for the holy land throne

The date was 13th of July. 13 is an unlucky number and 7 is a period of time. This reminds us we walked unlucky paths in our youths. Paths of gluttony greed pride and the other sins. These unlucky paths make people not like us because it influences them. Leads them on unlucky paths as well. As they follow us. So it demoralises them when they see us as leaders do so. It makes them lose heart and go astray. This is why we must devote our lives to the holy way so we don't lead folks on unlucky paths but walk the righteous path and lead them the right way

This whole sign relates to me and my queens and the future for us all and is sent by heaven not just to me but for all of us here to read. The fact heaven chose to send us a sign of this magnitude involving world leaders confirms all the things the spirit has spoken through me are true. Heaven really does want me and my queens to train to rule the holy land and make peace for the world. It will be something that affects the world. This is why heaven has chosen to send us a sign about it with world leaders

Heaven wants to bring world peace now for everyone. The group of people reading this are the people he has chosen to hear this message first and share it with the world. So we're all responsible for joining team world peace and helping out

El has sent us a tremendous sign today to show us all it's true. This really is a world peace quest and we're all part of it. Let the hairs on your ears stand on end then. So you don't just hear this message of team world peace but join and support it. Thank you all for reading this. May heaven bless you with joy today

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Vulture Sign

Just wanna remind my first queen of the atomic sign that said if she chases the guy her health will decline. She will get sick at some unknown future time. It could be body or soul sickness. She won't be able to go to heaven if her soul is not well. Yet the other signs point to nuclear war. If that occurs they say she will suffer bodily sickness as well. Her not supporting team world peace would contribute to war. For that she will earn spirit debt. As just not doing what is right is as much a sin as doing what is wrong. Then we got the vulture sign which was confirmed a few days later on the Bible app which I'm guessing you noticed. I said in the vid it don't mean on earth they will die but in heaven. Sorry I wasn't clear. To clarify what I meant to say is "necessarily." It don't "necessarily" mean they will die early on earth. But it could and the other signs say that may be the case as well. Unless the rest of team world peace band together to stop the war in her absence. As we know from the holy book any sin debt that isn't paid on earth gets paid in the spirit realm. That usually means rebirth as a human or animal. But she may have to pay some of the debt before then by getting sick or dying early. If she don't wanna have to pay on earth or in the spirit realm there is a way out. Earning soul dollars now by walking the virtue path and doing as heaven tells her with signs. That basically means quitting any bits on the side and joining team world peace with me. Also of note is anyone who tries to seduce or discourage her in order to dissuade her from joining will earn spiritual debt as well

Saturday 6 July 2024

Same for All of Us

Hey everyone. That last letter was just to my queens. Just to clarify some of the things I said. The reason I'm the best choice for them is because they have been chosen by heaven with signs to start a fam with me

I know many of you never got signs and just married or started a fam with whoever. But don't worry it's fine. Heaven knows your situation and is with you

Heaven wants you to devote yourself to your family just the same as it wants one of the queens to devote her life to a fam with me. It is the best choice for them. Just like staying with the other parent of your kid and trying to make it work for the kid is the best choice for you. It will earn you most spirit dollars

Yeah it's hard and not nice and not what you want and there's all kinds of temptations pulling you away and wishing it coulda been better with someone else and what if

But if you ask those kinda questions you just miss out on appreciating and getting the most out of your destiny. Your destiny is your family now and it was heaven's will for you all along in this lifetime. You have created a new person in the world so it is now your duty to parent that person for the rest of your life and look after their other parent

Even if your kid's other parent passes away early you gotta stay loyal to their memory so the kid knows you love them. If you fall in love with another person it will hurt the kid. You gotta always love their mum or dad even if they pass away as that kid will only ever have one mum or dad so finding a new one after they pass away is unfaithful to your kid

Say your kid passes away. Your wife gave nine months of her life to that baby for you. Then you both gave however many years of time energy and love raising that kid

Your spouse may no longer look their best. They may also depend on you for financial and emotional support. You know them so well. You've bonded. I'm sure you depend on them as well in ways

If it's more one sided it just means they need you more than you need them so you should be like El and look after them the way El looks after you. They're your fam now. You gotta stay loyal to them the rest of your life. Try raising a new kid with them again by all means if you still want a fam. But don't go looking elsewhere. That person is now your fam and destiny for life

Say life pulls you in different directions. You have jobs hobbies relationships and freedoms you wanna pursue but the other person is tying you down. Getting in your way

Fact is yeah marriage is a bond. A family tie. It does hold you back from doing lots of things. You just have to forget those things and accept the life you've got and make the most of it. As caring for a spouse and/or kid is a good virtuous deed that will earn you soul dollars

There will always be something else and someone else to pull you away. Even from the supposedly perfect partner. But all of it is fool's gold. No person is fool's gold. Just the belief that they will be the perfect person worth cheating for is the fool's gold

So don't let the fool's gold trick you. The real gold is always virtue. It don't matter who your spouse is what job you do or where you live. The gold in your life is the virtue of loyalty to your family. That is what will earn you soul dollars

It don't matter who you're loyal to as everyone is heaven's creation and loved by heaven. So being loyal to anyone in love will earn you the same amount of spirit dollars

Throwing away a less attractive spouse for a more beautiful one is like leaving a disabled baby at an orphanage. It is not a virtue and won't please heaven

Say the divorce is mutual. They don't depend on you emotionally or financially. You don't depend on them and you have no kids. Is it alright to leave each other then?

If it's what you both truly want and both feel called away to new lives with signs then yes. But it should be done with the intention to live virtuously and serve heaven

Not to go wild and sleep around and do whatever you please. Ask yourselves why someone else and not them? Is it serving heaven or just your own preferences?

Remember that consent doesn't make something okay. Even if you both mutually agree to divorce and get your party years back. It could just be the same as two people mutually agreeing to lust or cheat. Consent don't make it virtuous. As people often consent to sin. So if you do divorce divorce for the right reasons with heaven's blessing

Even if you both feel like you dislike each other and just want something else. A different life with someone else. All running wildly for your own pleasure and freedom will do is plant the seeds of selfishness and disloyalty in both your hearts which you will carry into the afterlife like a chain on your souls. It will not please heaven or be good for your spirits

By staying together you help each other through all kinds of problems which helps your spirit and theirs grow more virtuous and heavenly and earns you spirit dollars

So stay as a married couple for life if possible. As loyalty in love is always a good thing in heaven's eyes. No matter who it is. So you know you can't go wrong with it

Instead of divorcing learn more about each other appreciate each other and try to make it work. You can share fun moments together and life is not about loving people you fancy for pleausre. That's what animals do

Life is about being as virtuous as you can in every way possible before you die. Your goal is not to break free and have all the fun and experiences and pleasure you can. That's the animal in you wishing for selfish joys

Your goal is to please heaven by being virtuous and a big virtue in life is loyalty to family. In marriage you swear a vow till death separates you. That's for a reason. It's because loyalty is a virtue you get rewarded for in the afterlife. Also you get to reunite with their soul in heaven in one of various ways. So take it seriously. Don't divorce under any circumstances

Jesus says the only reason you should divorce is if they abandon you for someone else. So if they cheat with someone and don't apologise - or they leave and don't come back or get in contact again and try to fix things - for a year and a day - then they abandoned you. You will then be spiritually divorced so can start a new fam with someone else

If anything happens to your kid or sibling or spouse in mysterious circumstances you will be implicated as you had something selfish and sinful to gain from it. You may get thoughts like that if you contemplate divorce and feel bitter about your vows. So don't contemplate it. Just embrace your marriage and try to make it work. That is what heaven wants

Say you want out but they don't so you sabbotage your relationship and drive them away on purpose just so you can be free to chase your pleasures in life. You may get your divorce that way but all that sin will be on you sadly to carry with you to the judgement court of heaven

What if it's just boyfriend and girlfriend? You should only be thinking of getting married building a life and raising a fam together as a team. You shouldn't kiss before the wedding or spend the night if you don't intend to raise a fam. You should only spend the night once a year to start your fam and not just for pleasure. But you should live together and depend on each other as families do

I had two girlfriends in the past. I was loyal to both. But when we took a break and I spoke to them again they both refused to get back with me. So technically they left me as I was still willing to get back with them

Probably it was because I treated them badly by saying lots of unkind things in a grumbly voice. It was with the intention to improve our relationship by fault finding. But I went about it the wrong way and impatiently so that is why they turned away from me. I'm sorry for that

If we both had relationship education by reading letters like this we coulda made wise choices and a good go of it from the start. But because we never had any such education we just went into the relationship blindly so it failed

I was called by the Don into solitude to serve heaven as a monk in private for years and was completely free of all relationships before October 22. Then a series of signs from heaven told me to devote my life to one of two queens if they'll have me

I have done as heaven asked so I'm alright. But both queens have been reluctant till now. Hopefully this letter will help them see it's the right thing to do

Like Stella and Elly everyone reading this is free to take this advice or leave it. I'm just telling you what will earn you most spirit dollars for the afterlife

Going after new romances with people you fancy is lust when you already have a kid to look after. Lust is a sin so will not earn you spirit dollars

You should be celibate ideally. No one should be using romance for pleasure or basing their lives on dating new people. You gotta commit

I said the cute professor is just a guy. He's actually married so off limits in heaven's eyes as it is. But if he wasn't off limits and Stella was not chosen as queen by signs then yeah he would make as good a hubby for her as any choice

It is only because she has been chosen as holy land queen with signs that she has to be so strict about who she picks. Anyone else can pick anyone unless they see signs. Anyone who hasn't yet married should stay celibate and look for signs and pray to heaven and choose who heaven wants

But anyone who already picked without signs should devote themselves to who they already have as that is now what heaven wants

Those who already picked and stay devoted will get the same rewards in heaven as those who pick with signs and stay devoted. Loyalty is the key virtue here. It is the same for all of us

Just because you get signs don't mean your loveship will be easy. Look at me and Stella. We're like chalk and cheese. Total opposites. She's not my dream girl who I would pick. So don't think I got it better or easier than you. Our relationship will be just as difficult as yours

We will have to stay together and devote ourselves to our kids just the same as you. Just the same as someone who picked without signs. Your kids are your destiny now just the same as my fam with Stella or Elly will be mine. It won't be better just different

Say you already got married three times and have kids with three partners now. Life is hard for you as you gotta try now to raise three families and explain to them how you wasn't loyal but will do your best now for all of them

It will be hard because each one you see will make the other feel less loved and you feel more guilty and tired. But if you're honest and tell them you were disloyal and you're sorry and you don't start anymore fams and you do your best equally for all three spouses and sets of kids then your families and heaven will be pleased

For anyone who has no fam yet or just one. See how it is wise to focus on just one fam from the start. As disloyalty is displeasing to your spouse and your kids and the community and to heaven

So I hope this helps everyone see we're all in the same boat here. If you picked with signs or you didn't. If you were loyal in the past or you wasn't. Doesn't matter. You didn't know

All that matters is your loyalty and devotion now you do know. Now you see the right way. The holy way and it is what will be most pleasing to your fam and heaven and every righteous person who also walks the way

Friday 5 July 2024

The Best Choice

Stella is going out of her mind with desire for the cute professor. Stella he's just a guy. It's not gonna be as amazing as you think. You trick yourself into thinking it's the ultimate love and nothing is better. But it's fool's gold. The shine will wear off. Then you'll have to suffer the curse which won't be fun at all

If you want to be queen you have to give up all romantic pursuits and come live a celibate life with me. Holy queen is a serious job and will take your total devotion. You're not gonna be a normal girl who goes on dates anymore. You're gonna be a servant of heaven on earth

Exactly the same goes for you Elly. You both gotta be celibate and come live with me if you wanna be queen. Those are the requirements. This is what the Lord has inspired me to tell you today. This is what he wants you to hear

Stella El knows what you're going through. The temptation. The choosing. So he sent a verse in the guided prayer to help you know the right thing to choose:

"Some of you say, “We can do anything we want to.” But I tell you not everything is good for us. So I refuse to let anything have power over me. You also say, “Food (or pleasure of any sort) is meant for our bodies, and our bodies are meant for food (or pleasure of any sort).” But I tell you that God will destroy them both (your body and the thing that gives it pleasure). We are not supposed to do indecent things with our bodies. We are to use them for the Lord who is in charge of our bodies." (1 Corinthians 6:12-13)

The numbers mean 1 true love or 1 couple of Corinthians (not born Jewish). And it won't be easy. Itta take hard work and dedication represented by the 6 as El created the world in 6 days. 12-13 means one couple will get pregnant to become one family. 3 is the number for a family of any size even if we have two kids. It just represents the fruit that came from our union turning us into more than just a couple. 2 is a couple. 3 is family

I didn't want to write to you again. I'm tired. I was gonna give up on you and just let you be. Not maliciously but just selfishly I guess. I was just into writing the Bible and kinda forgot about you

But El didn't let me forget. That is why he also included these words in today's devotional prayer: "Loving others can be draining, but press on and don't give up. Please open my eyes, Lord, to someone specific who needs Your love today."

These words inspired me to write you this letter. You don't need the cute professor's love. He's just a flight of foolish fancy like a cake or dram of vodka. You want it so bad. But then once you have it it's gone and you feel deflated. But sometimes it just takes one pill to be fatal. You know he has appeared with a warning sign for you my dear

I cannot control what you do. All I can do is write you this letter and hope you see sense. It's me and the Lord and the kingdom of heaven and saving the world. Or it's chasing the passion of lust with a guy who's just a guy and won't turn out to be everything you hope

Come be queen of the holy land with me mate. You won't regret it I promise you. Itta be the best choice you ever make. Of course Elly this all applies to you as well

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...