Sunday 14 July 2024

Trump Sign

Big news. Assasination attempt on Trump. As we know I'm campaigning for a new royal fam for Israel. Like running for president. It has been one of the main topics here for a while now hasn't it

Chris Chris even made a spoof campaign vid the other day. It's the latest on his YouTube account right now. Gotta watch it if you haven't seen it yet and remember to add a like

As we know the king of Israel campaign will be big news. It will make me and my queen world leaders like Trump. As world leaders of the future this event is also a sign for us. Let's look at all the details and see what they mean. First the time. 6:11 pm. Or 18:11. As you know these have been some of the most relevant numbers since the start of my campaign two years ago. So straight away it relates to us. It's not 28 or 38 past. It's 18. One eight. Just one. Unspecified as to who it is. This shows it can relate to either queen. The 11 of course relates to peace which is the goal of the campaign. This tells us if we want peace there has to be just one 8 - that is one queen with one womb. In other words loyalty in marriage. This has been one of the main topics since I started campaigning

The 18 is also a 6 when written 6pm. As we know I'm a Mr 6. It has been another hotly debated topic among the following. So the 6 can represent me. A sign I am to be the father and the queen must accept me as her one true love from all the other guys at the market

The shooting was in the county of Butler. A butler is a servant. This reminds us we're to serve the people as king and queen. To lead you to peace and happiness. Not to use our power for selfish deeds that only serve ourselves

The 6 and the 11 tell us we gotta work for world peace. Put our main focus on it. Not on dinos or other fun stuff we like. Also that our love must be for peace not pleasure. To raise a fam for Israel. Heirs who can lead the world to peace

The town name Connoquenessing means "for a long way straight." A sign to tell us the girls need to walk the straight path of virtue with me so we can give our all to the world peace mission of ending wars instead of chasing earthly delights. The town is in the state of Pennsylvania. This also has a meaning. A warning to the queens not to indulge in temporary pencil love that can be erased. As that is vane. We want chisel love that is carved into stone

Pennsylvania means forest. A forest has many trees. This is a sign for my queens not to cheat. But stay true to one man and one family tree. So our tree can grow strong and lasting roots that spread many branches and bear much fruit by working for peace in the world

It takes loyalty and dedication to make a tree grow strong and likewise with a family. A devoted mother wife and queen is required to make the fam as strong as poss. So the kids are best equipped to serve the world with love

Failure to raise the kids right due to laziness or cheating will result in spiritual debt for the queen. But raising them right will set examples for future fams. So she can be a role model for wives and mums and earn spirit dollars to spend

A forest is a wild place where animals live. A sign to not indulge in wild love like animals. Just the tame love of marriage. Else we don't deserve to be called royal or lead a land if we can only act like animals. This is why the queens must train

Sadly two people perished in the shooting. If we pray for them our spirit energy will help guide them to the righteous path in the sea of dreams where it can be murky and easy to lose direction. The two people were the shooter and a bystander. This shows us shooting at people is a sin as heaven punished the shooter. Second it shows we as leaders must have the utmost moral standards to lead our followers right and not lead them astray. As if we go wrong they may suffer the consequences as well as us. So we're responsible partly for them as well as ourselves. That is why the virtue path is serious. Not something to joke and say oh let's just go wild and not worry. It is of utmost importance that holy queens be not just holy in word but holy indeed

Pennsylvania is the home state of my second queen. If I'm like Trump this serves as a reminder to me she is the second chosen. So if both girls train here with faith and please El I am obliged to give Stella priority to my hand and the throne. I must not pick Elly first. This confirms Stella is first in line as the signs have said

Trump's ear was wounded. A sign I must listen to the wisdom of the way. Serve the people and world peace. My agenda must be to work for peace for all and raise my kids to do the same as heirs for the holy land throne

The date was 13th of July. 13 is an unlucky number and 7 is a period of time. This reminds us we walked unlucky paths in our youths. Paths of gluttony greed pride and the other sins. These unlucky paths make people not like us because it influences them. Leads them on unlucky paths as well. As they follow us. So it demoralises them when they see us as leaders do so. It makes them lose heart and go astray. This is why we must devote our lives to the holy way so we don't lead folks on unlucky paths but walk the righteous path and lead them the right way

This whole sign relates to me and my queens and the future for us all and is sent by heaven not just to me but for all of us here to read. The fact heaven chose to send us a sign of this magnitude involving world leaders confirms all the things the spirit has spoken through me are true. Heaven really does want me and my queens to train to rule the holy land and make peace for the world. It will be something that affects the world. This is why heaven has chosen to send us a sign about it with world leaders

Heaven wants to bring world peace now for everyone. The group of people reading this are the people he has chosen to hear this message first and share it with the world. So we're all responsible for joining team world peace and helping out

El has sent us a tremendous sign today to show us all it's true. This really is a world peace quest and we're all part of it. Let the hairs on your ears stand on end then. So you don't just hear this message of team world peace but join and support it. Thank you all for reading this. May heaven bless you with joy today

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...