Monday 22 July 2024


I'm getting called a snake. Bit confused as why. I explained one thing yesterday. Now I was focusing on the chosen queens again. Did I miss something between then and now? I feel like I must have but I'm not sure what it is. I'm being mind blind aren't I. I know there's something I can't see but I can't see it so I don't know what it is. Oops. I think I see it now. I said I was embarrassed about the games. Now I post pics of card queens? Um. They're adult looking pics though. Still too cartoonish after yesterday? Ah. I'm not really sure what other pics I shoulda used. I do just like art. Is it sending the wrong message? What do you want to see? Lemme know in the comments. I was filming a bunch of other stuff. But this fun vid appeared first in my drafts. I kept seeing the trend and I made the vid at random so just posted it as it looked alright. Maybe I didn't think through what hints it might give. Still not sure what hints it is giving. How does it make me a snake? It's the same queens. That shows loyalty right? Plus the heart one means I can only pick one. So as for me nothing has changed. Yet I can sense somehow because of yesterday something is different but I don't know what. The queens look like animé girls? Does that make me a snake? Maybe it could except I didn’t pick them. Yet I depicted them just now as cartoon figures on cards? So what does it mean to you? That I desire my queens for my personal delight instead of for Allah and the kingdom and the heirs? Wow. Well I really didn't expect all of that to be the impression it was giving. Allah made this happen for a reason. So I would write you this. Basically I'm oblivious. I'm working it out now of course. Um. Chun Li. The animé art in general. The queens. Alright yeah I can see they're all beautiful. I know what beauty is. Like a sky or forest. People can look beautiful as well. I appreciate beautiful things. But beauty is fleeting and not something to base a relationship on. A true love romance has to be spiritual to last as beauty does not last. So I don't care about their beauty in that way. I just think it's great they can get a lot of followers because they're appealing to the eye. I wanna be more appealing as well. So I tried to look good in the vid. They can help me spread the holy teachings of virtue with all their likes because of their beauty. Animé is so popular so beauty must be popular like my queens. I think that's really great. I wish I could draw animé and both my queens can! That is just amazing to me and something I love about them both. But beauty is a gift and should only be used for good purposes. Not for your own vain selfish pleasure or to allure people in a lustful way so they do favours for you. Those are sinful uses of beauty. Beauty should be used to serve Allah by leading followers on the right path by sharing his teachings with all who find your beauty appealing. That is one of the things I want to train my queens to do. That is also the spirit of my latest vid. Do you see now? Have I understood what everyone is thinking as well? So what vid would you like to see next from me?

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...