Saturday 30 March 2024

World Peace Empire

Memeulous was super brave by putting his reputation on the line to boost my vid yesterday!

Thank you so much for that, Memeulous! Totally unexpected and a real boost. If someone so famous believes in me that much, there's hope!

I hope other people will now follow suit. I'll keep working for world peace, and hope folks support me for that if nothing else

Commenters were calling for a new Memeulous vid which stitches a vid of mine or talks about me. I'd really love to see that as much as everyone else, Memeulous, so let's give them what they want!

It would also be great to see vids from you about world peace, the Sunray Project, supporting peace in the Holy Land and promoting the Holy Book! So if you're up for that let's take the plunge and see how far we can go with it!

The verse today says:

"If we shared in Jesus' death by being baptized, we will be raised to life with him." (Romans 6:5)

It means if we share in each other's hardships, we will also share in each other's rewards. You supported me during a tough time yesterday, Memeulous. Now the ref is telling us how to work for the rewards. Romans 6:5 is telling us now to start a world peace empire like the Romans, by working together

The 6:5 means it'll be hard work but it's worth it to serve the people of the world. 6 means hard work because God made the world in 6 days, and 5 is a team like 5 a side

So let's put all our hard work into team world peace from now on! It will be great to have you as the latest member, Memeulous! Chat to me if you want world peace content ideas, or to coordinate our posts as a team

However much you wanna get involved with me, Mister Memeulous, I will support you all the way, and be glad for your support in return

Thursday 28 March 2024


Hey everyone

Still working on the last chap

So gotta skip today's

Just so you know. Have a good weekend

Don't forget to like and share the last chap I wrote! It's a good book. So sharing it is a good deed. Spirit dollars to you. Yay!

Gentle Stroll

I always say walk the holy way. It don't mean you have to be as religious as me. Just means you gotta make an effort is all. God loves a trier. So try to add some likes to the holy book today, leave some nice comments, and say some nice things to people. Then you'll be following the prophet. I follow the holy way. So if you follow me you'll be following the way. That's all you gotta do. Is that so difficult?


Again and again the Bible says always remember and never forget this story. So it must be important. Today's devotional tells it as well:

The moral of the story is: Always listen to the prophet and follow the signs from heaven

Tuesday 26 March 2024


Skipping Today's Chap
(Expect Friday's on Thursday)
As Been Filming
Not Writing
Sorry for Inconvenience

Sunday 24 March 2024

Magnificat 2

Elly, you're a pretty magnificent looking cat. Just thought I'd let you know. I'd be honoured if you gave your hand to me

👰‍♀️   🤵


Happy Purim!

Sometimes it's celebrated a day late

So if you didn't fast yesterday, fast today and pray and talk to friends about making world peace

As that's what the holiday is all about

My poor queens didn't seem to make a great deal of effort yesterday. But God knows they're not from very religious backgrounds. So they're a bit slow to realise. They don't have to give up their scientific values. Just embrace religious ones as well

The good news is every day is a new chance to turn toward heaven and walk the holy way. So take this new chance you have today

God is a loving and forgiving parent

All he wants is for you to listen and take his advice as he knows best

Wednesday 20 March 2024


Do you think I don't like you now?
As I said you're selfish and heartless?
Don't take it to heart, sweetness
My words are just banter, not bitter
If I say I want you to die a thousand deaths
I mean it in a nice way
You know?
Subtle cat
Scared of the dog's bark
Take heart
My bark is worse than my bite
Listen to Mary's words

"God All-Powerful has done great things for me, and his name is holy." (Luke 1:49)

Remember what God has done for you?
Chose you with all those signs
Now he knows you have doubts
That you think you're not worthy
Not chosen
Like he might betray you
But he wants you to know
He's loyal
So don't worry
You can still be my bride if you wanna

To be it you just gotta cry it aloud
Like Mary cries aloud in today's verse
Tell everyone what God has done for you
Picked you a hubby and everything
Imagine how good thatta feel?
Be a real lifechanger
You've been silent so far
Just gotta find your voice
You might lose all your views
But at least you'll have heaven's blessing

Heaven wants you to read my words aloud on your weekly vids
As they're heaven's words
Heaven spoke them through me
Now they'll be your words as well
So it's part of your destiny

Be a songbird for me
Spread the heavenly messages and make world peace
You got three years
God promised
So don't worry
Just gotta impress God by crying out like Mary
Tell everyone about the holy book and our future son
The name heaven picked

"God All-Powerful has done great things for me, and his name is holy." (Luke 1:49)

Talk about us publicly
Add and interact with me
Make me part of your life
Be part of mine
We'll never be the same
Itta be something new
Followers of heaven
Tell everyone our ongoing story

Even if you get no views
You can still follow heaven with me
So itta be cool
You ready?

Wednesday 6 March 2024


I looked up my name today. It can mean fair haired like the Swedes, or someone with a sharp mind

I also looked up my surname. It stems from Shane then Sean then Jean then John, a name of Hebrew origin, same as my middle name. Firstly this gives me another Jewish connection I didn’t know about

So now I have John twice in my name. The name means God is gracious. So God is gracious twice to me. Twice blessed by God. Twice Hebrew

Saying something twice adds emphasis. It's like God wants everyone to be sure. In case there's any doubt. For example Barry means fair hair. So my blond hair may make me seem not very Jewish. Yet my middle and surnames are both Jewish

So I have two different forms of the name John. The English and Scottish forms. Both of which stem from Hebrew

The meaning of my name then is: The fair haired one with a sharp intelligence, twice blessed by the Hebrew God

My Bible app streak today is 177. Confirming El's double blessing upon me. It mirrors my name. Two sevens and two Johns. Seven is a number sacred to the Hebrew god. The 1 signifies the relative rarity of the name Barry in modern times

The verse of the day says all good things in the world are gifts to us from heaven

It confirms all this about my name is a sign from heaven

If the Jews make me their king, I may change my name, as names can change. People change. The world changes

El knows this. He made it this way. Though he himself, being perfect, has no need to change, so is unchanging

But even if I change my name, this'll always be the name I was born with and part of my destiny

Here's a pic of me today. The day I found out the meaning of my surname. Just to make this a bit more diary-like

Forgive the bedhead, dressing gown, long face and shaving scab. I just woke up. Have a good day, guys

Monday 4 March 2024

Shepherd of the Flock

Heavenly lord, you're not lost and confused like us. You're the all knowing shepherd of light. You know the way for us to follow. You know me. You love me. You guide me. I'm no better or worse than anyone. Just chosen to be your awakened one. Enlightened one. Your prophet. I love it!

The people of this world are oftentimes blind to the spirit, scared and confused. Then the devil whispers to them. Sometimes they speak what they hear from him. Others may believe it, tremble and flock with fear. But I must nevertheless follow you regardless. You've blessed me with all the wisdom of the world for free. So I must share it with the world for free. You give me everything I need. I live to share it with the rest

I am beneath you. Not worthy. Weak. Unintelligent. Blind. Dim. Sinful. Compared to you, I'm nothing. Yet weak as I am, less than a worm compared to you, you're so good to me and love and give me all I need. You give good things to everyone. Life, sunlight, clothing, fun and food, even to people unenlightened who don't know you

I'm your chosen prophet. You let me get drunk, take drugs and speak recklessly with my hyperlexia. As a result you let me get stung by toxic people. You let my reputation get dragged through the dirt. You make me live in a world with many toxic people around me, trying to sting me, half out of spite, half out of self defence. I don't want to lower myself to their level. Yet how can I frown on them when you, El Elyon, the highest god, smile on me?

These are my thoughts first thing this morning, Lord. Now I'm ready to check the verse of the day with which you always guide me. The thoughts are all of me and you and everyone. Shall I write them out for everyone to read?

"Tell every nation on earth, “The Lord is wonderful and does marvelous things!" (1 Chronicles 16:24)

Now I know for sure the answer is share. See how wonderful the Lord is guys? He inspires my words in line with what the daily verse says. So I get inspiration from his spirit and guidance from signs like the daily verse. I think he will guide anyone this way who cares to listen and pray to him every day and try to walk his holy way of virtue. So give it a try

Some may be more attuned to signs. Those are the priests, bishops and prophets who lead the churches. So if Bible study and reading signs isn't your thing, just follow your local priest. They will serve as your human shepherd along the holy way. As they follow the soul shepherd of heaven

Then you can focus on the jobs and hobbies you most like to do, while still pleasing El and walking the way of virtue by doing what your priest advises. Which will basically involve trying not to sin. Paying penance for any sins you do, and trying to be virtuous. As well as having faith and believing in El and heaven and the priests who serve him

I know a small percentage of priests have done bad things to people. They're not fit to be priests if they can't steer others right. Or if they prey on their own flock. I've never done that. I'm a doctor of the soul. A prophet. All I've ever done is try to steer everyone right. But because of the unusual words I use and topics I speak of and angles from which I approach subjects, people misunderstood what I was getting at when I spoke in regular chitchat in irregular ways

I have gone the wrong way myself in the past as well. Everyone does. I'm only human. Down the path of booze and gluttony for me. Also by having a bad attitude learnt from rappers, I presented myself as someone who didn't have any morals, but that was never the case. It was just music and showboating to me. Now I'm on the right path and determined to lead people the right way for the rest of my days. Never to sin again

Sunday 3 March 2024

Faith Contest

God picked me two potential queens! How lucky am I?

Well hey lucky ladies. Check the guy in the pic out. It's Chris Ekiss

He's a songwriter, worship leader husband and father from Tupelo Mississippi!

That's where Elvis was born! Stella looks like him, and I've got some pretty good moves. We both like music, so you never know. Our kid could be the next king!

Chris says "his music is born from a genuine heart cry for people to know that Christ loves every single person in the world!"

He don't just love kings like Elvis, but every single person. So love and put your faith in him. Then he will take you to heaven

Elly kissed me the other day and said she loves me this morn. Like his name Ekiss. So that's real nice. A sign for both my queens then. About love and kings. See the signs coalescing?

If we follow Christ my loves he will make us king and queen to make world peace for everyone. So everyone wins

I win whatever one of you wins and the world wins a prince of peace! How amazing is that? A story written by heaven itself. If only you have faith to follow it

Where is this prince of peace the people of the world have won? He just waits in heaven for us to kiss

Chris Ekiss has a message for you today as well:

"All you need is faith."

Remember that's what I been telling you? It's not a competition to get most views. It's to see who has most faith! That really is a heavenly competition, and I can't wait to see who will win

The verse today says the same thing:

"All we need is faith in God. In all his forms. Including Jesus. Heaven's sacrifice for all our sins. If we believe in him God forgives our sins. So won't have to smite us when we die and go to heaven. We can live there in peace with him." (Romans 5:1)

It means everyone won and everyone wins. Romans also reminds me of the Roman Empire. They used to rule the world

That reminds me also of the new Kingdom of Heaven on its way. My queen and me will help usher in that kingdom. The kingdom where El is king. As he truly is the king of all

So my little earthly queen and me will help usher in that kingdom heavenly. Not just for ourselves but everyone. We're not doing it to get rich. We're doing it to lead the world to peace. Peace for everyone in the world. From all countries. Equal rights and equal pay. Global communism. And we've been told to start with Israel at the centre of the map. God's little world peace key that needs a turning by my queen and me and our little prince and all our lovely supporters. That's you lot reading this right now! Yeah don't think I can't see you and you can hide. God wants YOU to support and like and praise and follow and help us make world peace. Yes even you who said all those not very nice things. Wants you to feel bad about them and start saying nice things now. Itta feel real good so try it. You can be a whole new person and go to heaven by changing your ways. By following heaven's way of virtue instead of the way of sin. Isn't that amazing?

Just like the verse says all you need is faith. Faith in God and all his forms. Part of faith in God is having faith not just in he himself but also in everything he does. Some of the things he does includes inspiring new prophets, making new religions and new kings and bringing world peace for everyone. That's what God is doing through us lot here. If we have faith and follow his world peace plan we will go to heaven to live with him in peace when we die instead of getting reborn

Because you can't have true faith in God if you only have faith in him as a vague concept or only in things he did in the past. True faith in God means having faith in him today. He has picked me as new prophet and also one of you two lovely ladies as my wife. So have faith by adding me and staying loyal to me and working with me. By doing that you're having faith in God himself and his world peace plans

Like a messenger sent to a foreign king from another king. Having faith in the word of the messenger is the same as having faith in the king who sent the messenger. See? The king seals the message with his seal so you know it's real. Likewise God sends lots of signs to show my words are truly sent from him. So having faith in what I say is the same as having faith in him. As he speaks through me and sends the signs. So which of my queens will have most faith in God by following his messenger and his world peace plan?

Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...