Saturday 30 March 2024

World Peace Empire

Memeulous was super brave by putting his reputation on the line to boost my vid yesterday!

Thank you so much for that, Memeulous! Totally unexpected and a real boost. If someone so famous believes in me that much, there's hope!

I hope other people will now follow suit. I'll keep working for world peace, and hope folks support me for that if nothing else

Commenters were calling for a new Memeulous vid which stitches a vid of mine or talks about me. I'd really love to see that as much as everyone else, Memeulous, so let's give them what they want!

It would also be great to see vids from you about world peace, the Sunray Project, supporting peace in the Holy Land and promoting the Holy Book! So if you're up for that let's take the plunge and see how far we can go with it!

The verse today says:

"If we shared in Jesus' death by being baptized, we will be raised to life with him." (Romans 6:5)

It means if we share in each other's hardships, we will also share in each other's rewards. You supported me during a tough time yesterday, Memeulous. Now the ref is telling us how to work for the rewards. Romans 6:5 is telling us now to start a world peace empire like the Romans, by working together

The 6:5 means it'll be hard work but it's worth it to serve the people of the world. 6 means hard work because God made the world in 6 days, and 5 is a team like 5 a side

So let's put all our hard work into team world peace from now on! It will be great to have you as the latest member, Memeulous! Chat to me if you want world peace content ideas, or to coordinate our posts as a team

However much you wanna get involved with me, Mister Memeulous, I will support you all the way, and be glad for your support in return

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...