Monday 4 March 2024

Shepherd of the Flock

Heavenly lord, you're not lost and confused like us. You're the all knowing shepherd of light. You know the way for us to follow. You know me. You love me. You guide me. I'm no better or worse than anyone. Just chosen to be your awakened one. Enlightened one. Your prophet. I love it!

The people of this world are oftentimes blind to the spirit, scared and confused. Then the devil whispers to them. Sometimes they speak what they hear from him. Others may believe it, tremble and flock with fear. But I must nevertheless follow you regardless. You've blessed me with all the wisdom of the world for free. So I must share it with the world for free. You give me everything I need. I live to share it with the rest

I am beneath you. Not worthy. Weak. Unintelligent. Blind. Dim. Sinful. Compared to you, I'm nothing. Yet weak as I am, less than a worm compared to you, you're so good to me and love and give me all I need. You give good things to everyone. Life, sunlight, clothing, fun and food, even to people unenlightened who don't know you

I'm your chosen prophet. You let me get drunk, take drugs and speak recklessly with my hyperlexia. As a result you let me get stung by toxic people. You let my reputation get dragged through the dirt. You make me live in a world with many toxic people around me, trying to sting me, half out of spite, half out of self defence. I don't want to lower myself to their level. Yet how can I frown on them when you, El Elyon, the highest god, smile on me?

These are my thoughts first thing this morning, Lord. Now I'm ready to check the verse of the day with which you always guide me. The thoughts are all of me and you and everyone. Shall I write them out for everyone to read?

"Tell every nation on earth, “The Lord is wonderful and does marvelous things!" (1 Chronicles 16:24)

Now I know for sure the answer is share. See how wonderful the Lord is guys? He inspires my words in line with what the daily verse says. So I get inspiration from his spirit and guidance from signs like the daily verse. I think he will guide anyone this way who cares to listen and pray to him every day and try to walk his holy way of virtue. So give it a try

Some may be more attuned to signs. Those are the priests, bishops and prophets who lead the churches. So if Bible study and reading signs isn't your thing, just follow your local priest. They will serve as your human shepherd along the holy way. As they follow the soul shepherd of heaven

Then you can focus on the jobs and hobbies you most like to do, while still pleasing El and walking the way of virtue by doing what your priest advises. Which will basically involve trying not to sin. Paying penance for any sins you do, and trying to be virtuous. As well as having faith and believing in El and heaven and the priests who serve him

I know a small percentage of priests have done bad things to people. They're not fit to be priests if they can't steer others right. Or if they prey on their own flock. I've never done that. I'm a doctor of the soul. A prophet. All I've ever done is try to steer everyone right. But because of the unusual words I use and topics I speak of and angles from which I approach subjects, people misunderstood what I was getting at when I spoke in regular chitchat in irregular ways

I have gone the wrong way myself in the past as well. Everyone does. I'm only human. Down the path of booze and gluttony for me. Also by having a bad attitude learnt from rappers, I presented myself as someone who didn't have any morals, but that was never the case. It was just music and showboating to me. Now I'm on the right path and determined to lead people the right way for the rest of my days. Never to sin again

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...