Wednesday 10 January 2024


Stella says because Gryph only went for 7 hours, not 9, and I laughed, she is gonna force Yoga guy to go for 9 hours in revenge

Wow, she's pretty scary when insulted, ain't she?

I wasn't laughing Stel. I was thinking of something else. I was thinking for you to be studying with me a long time by heaven's guidance. As 777 is a number of omnipresence. It means 7 days a week on 7 continents over 7 seas. It means loving all the time, everywhere, in any weather, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health

The 44 was because of what I was writing about and didn't relate to you. Only the 37 bit did. I wanted you to be free of Gryph and with me and God now only

If the Gryphon only lasted 7 hours, that's 6.55 hours more than most girls get. So you ain't gotta prove anything

Your vids already have a million likes and views. I think we know you're pretty. You ain't gotta prove that to me anyway. I ain't gonna look down on you for not having more lovers. I think you've had enough already. More than enough really

Christian girls are supposed to be virgins before they marry. So even if you had never dated anyone before, I would still marry and love you forever. So don't worry about that

Your womb is still a virgin, and I'm not a dad, so if you love just me, it will be something new. A new start for us, even though we've both had other lovers. I've never loved a girl for that long either, so don't worry. It will be new for us both

All those likes. You could have fifty guys a year. Or you could get with me, your one true love. Stay celibate for three years till we get engaged. Date me for three years and fall in love. That's what I want and what God wants

We don't want you running round from bed to bed anymore in sin. We want you just with us now. Just with me, swearing vows of loyalty with him as our witness. Promising our loyalty to each other in return for the gift of love he's given us. Showing everyone what true love is. It's not dating new guys out of lust or revenge. It's building a fam, being a wife, a mum and following El

You know what? El is amazing. He made me make the 37 hint accidentally, as he knew how it would make you feel. He knew it would make you feel unloved, unattractive, not good enough. But those feelings are the lies the devil whispers in your ear to tempt you to sin, don't listen to them. Truth is you are loved, you are attractive and you are good enough, even if I'm the only guy you ever have. Don't ever let the devil tell you otherwise

I can see how sad you've been feeling the last few days, and it's because the devil is whispering those lies in your ear. So don't listen, because Don El of Heaven is speaking these words of truth through me to you. So don't listen to the whispers of the devil in your ear. Listen to this, the Word of God

You know what? El knows all. He knew the devil would see your doubt, your weakness, and pounce to prey on you with shadowy lies. He knew it would make you date more guys. He knew how it'd make me feel as well. Sad. I been sad all night thinking my fiancée feels so worthless she's running after another man

The devil is so evil. He lies to everyone like that. Tells them they're worthless and sin is the only way. Has the whole world under his spells. So don't listen to him. When I felt sad, the devil whispered to me as well: "She is untrustworthy. Cheat on her. Show her who's boss. In fact forget her. You don't need her. She's just an unattractive girl. You can do better. There's plenty more fish in the sea."

"Silence ye, Satan," said I. "Don El, please inspire me!" So the Spirit of the Lord picked me up and inspired this post. It is the Word of God for you, my love

Yes, Elly may still win. You're both chosen. The verse reminds us of this. 2 Corinthians (foreigners from outside Israel) 4 me, as 16 is my birthday. But the day says Wed just one of you. You're more on my mind lately as you've posted more vids and said more things, I won’t lie. I am falling for you again. But if you date other guys for three years and don't get with me, Elly can still win, and I'll have to forget you once I swear vows to her. I'll have to be loyal to her and I will be. Happily. As she's a great gal picked just for me. We'll get on sweetly and have a nice marriage. She is the second chosen. Your replacement. Perfect for the job and I do love her. But you're still the first chosen, and right now I want you more. I've been chasing you for over a year, you're still impressing me, and you've shown more faith and love lately, so you're winning in my heart. Now show more faith and love and win this thing!

How can you win? The way to win is to ignore the devil's lies and listen only to the Word of God and follow what he says to do, and what he says to do is get with me

The devil's lies already led you to a gryphon, which is a monster, and God knows who else. You're on a path to hell if you follow his advice. Listen only to me, as I speak the word of God, and anyone else who says virtuous things about true love and destiny, and to the little voice inside that says it's wrong and bad to date around, and the little voice that also says fall in love and marry me. For that little voice is the voice of God Almighty, and if you listen to and follow it, you'll hear it clearer day by day, and year by year

This is what God wants us all to know today. How to follow him and not the devil. He also wants us all to know that when you speak to me, you're not just doing it out of your own desire, you're doing it under heaven's guidance, by the whisperings of angels in your ear, sent to you by Don El himself. So serve heaven with me, my love. Date me for three years and no one else and then say yes to what I'll ask you

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Good morrow Stella. Hey you took the sun deal. That's great news. It will evaporate the flood of tears you cried over losing first place...