Saturday 25 November 2023

Bizarre Love

Just before midnight I posted a vid that says I love God and God loves me. Now the chap of the day says:

"God is love. If we keep on loving others, we will stay one in our hearts with God, and he will stay one with us." (1 John 4:16)

16 is my birthday. Yesterday my love and I got the priestly blessing. That's so amazing! Yet she has blanked me. I'm upset. But the verse of the day tells us why. It's not her fault, she is just afraid. Look:

"A real love for others will chase all worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows we have not really learned to love." (1 John 4:18)

So she must be scared of commitment and getting pregnant, in case things go wrong. As the ref says ONE John for one EIGHT. She must think it is a punishment to not have her freedom. Or that she will look a fool for following a madman. Or that we won't be happy together. That is because she has not learned to love. I will teach her to love God. The love of God is the only true love. Only when we love God can we truly love each other. As his love flows through us

If she loved God, she would do as he says. She would not care about looking a fool, as God's love is all that matters. She wouldn't care about her own plans, as God's plan is all that matters. She wouldn't fear being unhappy with me, she'd trust God's matchmaking skills. People who love God know these things. I will teach her to love God if she follows and talks with me every day. She will still get to do chemistry. I'll help make her chemistry even better. Why not talk with me then? Only fear can block the way. Don't fear, my love, have faith

The only thing we should fear is God himself. It says so in the Bible. That what we should fear is not following his guidance. As he is our shepherd. He leads us to heaven. Doing anything other than following him will lead to dissatisfaction, reincarnation, and eventually hell

My dear Elly. God has sent you so many signs to say follow. So don't be afraid. Have faith in him and follow me

Hey I've just noticed, today's sign mentions Stella as well. God is reminding you, Elly, if you don't get with me, she could swoop in at any moment to reclaim her place on the throne

As speaker Stephen Foster is from Oxford. That's where she's from, and is also her star sign. Yet his wife is Beth. That's where you're from. Plus his church is called Aldates. No coincidence. God is saying this sign applies to you both. To all dates. Not just a date with you or her

So if you're wise, either of my loves actually, swoop in and claim your throne! Because of Elly's lack of faith yesterday, God has given another chance to Stella. Hey why don't you add each other and talk it through? Better yet, add me, and talk it through with me. First one to swear vows to me wins. This is not my will. It's the will of heaven. All I do is follow heaven's will. That's what you both should do as well. Why don't we all be friends and have a group chat? Thatta be a laugh. I can only marry one of you, as the ref says ONE eight. But we can discuss stuff till you gals decide which one of you it is

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Just Jokes

Oops. Just realised I made a hint error with the new vid. Sorry. Honest mistake. The 46 was just the vid length and I thought it funny becau...