Thursday 30 May 2024

Seeing the Future

"The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn't speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me, and he will let you know what is going to happen." (John 16:13)

As we all know 13 tends to mean bad luck. The other day I said Stella's viewcount was a taste of the bad luck that will appear in the world if she turns me down. Today's verse confirms what I said is true

I said heaven is with me and I'm with heaven. That's another way of saying the Spirit is with me and I'm with the Spirit. It means the same thing. The Spirit or heaven often shows us what will happen with signs

The fact I said this the other day, and the verse today says the same thing, is itself a sign that what I said is true and does indeed predict the future. There's additional meanings to be gleaned as well

John is my name, 16 is my birthday and 13 means bad luck. I said it before. I was born blessed but also with bad luck. I was born with bad luck so I'd have to go through unlucky situations that made me think about life so I would write letters for you explaining things

Today's verse confirms what I said is true - I was born with bad luck. Especially since I had a bit more bad luck the other day when folks thought I had been deceitful

Today's verse also confirms what I was saying about Elly being the second choice is true. It tells us if I have 3 kids with her there will be more bad luck in the world. In the form of war it seems. As thirteen can also be read as one three. If I have one wife and three kids with Elly it will spell bad luck

It is a kind of bad luck as it could easy be avoided if I just have 2 kids with the other girl instead. Said simply the verse today confirms what I said the other day is true. Stella is first chosen and she will bring good luck, light and peace

Despite the fact I would love Elly and the three kids she gave me - today's sign tells us that is not what matters most. It would spell bad luck for the world, and that is a more important thing to consider

The verse today shows us what may happen in the future. It is one possible future. The unlucky one. The Spirit sent us this verse today just after I realised the other day I have to pick Stella if it's a draw. It's a sign that is indeed the case

I have to pick Stella if both girls say yes. It would be bad luck to pick Elly over her. If I was to pick Elly when Stella said yes, all the bad luck and war would be my fault instead of hers

Today's speaker Melvin Crispe III confirms this verse does indeed relate to lines of succession. His numeral III written above the verse 16:13 confirms me picking three kids with Elly would be the bad luck choice

It may also imply the worst luck will start to show up in the third generation of the royal fam, during the reign of our grandkids

All this is difficult to hear, and Melvin says the same thing. The truth isn't always easy to hear, but we must accept it with humble thanks as we know it's sent to us from heaven and heaven knows best. Even the meaning of Melvin's name relates to war, which is what we don't want

Just the fact I wrote about lines of succession the other day, and today's speaker has a III after his name, is a sign from heaven my words were inspired by the Spirit. It means everything I said about the line of succession is indeed the case

If I was to pick the second chosen over the first, it would spell bad luck. If I pick Stella however, great light and peace has been prophesied along with Luca the lightbringer. That said. Elly shouldn't feel like there is no hope for us, or that our love is worthless. If Stella does turn me down, I'll still need a wife. The Holy Land will still need a queen and heirs

We'll reign in a very unlucky, wartorn world. But better that than no royal fam to guide folks at all. Lailah is not just night but an angel. She will not bring the night. She will be born into the night and bring the light of heaven while wearing a robe of nightsky in mourning for the lives lost at war

So me and Elly can and will love truly, and our love will be a good thing in the world. But only if Stella abdicates and sets the world spinning on a course of bad luck

I really don't want that to happen, but it is not my choice to make, it's Stella's. I've already accepted the destiny. All that remains is for her to accept it as well

The fact heaven puts such a crucial choice in the hands of one girl reminds me of Eve and other biblical women. Stella has been chosen for this great task. Will she rise to the occassion and follow heaven like Esther? Or be like Pharaoh and say no?

‭"The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn't speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me - the angel Lord - and will let you know what is going to happen - if Sunray picks Elly over Stella or Stella turns him down." (John 16:13)

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...