Tuesday 28 May 2024

Peace Princesses

All this has been slowly sinking in. I see it clearer now than before. Stella was chosen first for a reason. She is heaven's first choice

It's not about what me or Stella or Elly wants. It's just about what heaven wants. Heaven wants me and Stella to get together, form a team, rule the Holy Land, make world peace and raise heirs to carry it on for the next generation

We could just pick our own partners and walk our own paths. But that would be our will, not heaven's. Natural, not supernatural selection. Working for the animal kingdom, not the kingdom of heaven

Stella mentioned animals stealing seeds. That is the sort of thing animals might do. As servants of heaven we must rise above our animal natures and be like angels

She said mice are cute? You know she's right, but it's better to follow heaven. Heaven will give her all the cute stuff she could want, but chasing cute stuff won't lead her to heaven

You want proof she should pick me instead of chase mice? Just check her viewcount. It's a sign this is the right thing to do. A sign too she can be sure all the words here are true. As truth is a virtue, and heaven loves virtues

She said butterflies are in decline? I guess they would be as it seems I tried to ditch her. I didn't. It just seems that way. I'll explain in a bit

Also bees in decline? Where there are flowers, there'll always be bees. But maybe she's onto something. She will have plenty of both round here with me anyhow, which is where she should be

So Stella is the first chosen. But as we all know she has hitherto been reluctant and incredulous. I hope this letter today helps boost her faith so she sees the light and takes my hand and we'll all hold hands in a circle and make world peace

If Stella says no, El has given me a second queen. She is not the first choice. She is the second chosen. Yet El has sent me as many signs for her as Stella, and equally potent ones. So El is not joking here. Elly is a genuine replacement for the girl

Yet the signs do quite clearly say Stella is first choice. Also Elly and me might not make world peace as easy as me and Stel. We will just be smaller time I guess, doing what we can to pick up the pieces

We all saw Elly's nuke signs. They weren't meant like that from her. They were signs from heaven. Plus Lailah means night. It seems if Stella don't accept the throne, war will eventually result. But I kinda forgot about that. I just saw Stella and Elly as equal. So been treating em equal. But with the recent events I been seeing it all in a fresh light

Is that how you saw it too? Is that the vibe you got? Did you think I was wishing for WW3 by giving Elly a chance? 

No way. I would never wish that. It's really horrible. Peace is my heart's desire. I've always been a peacemaker between folks who argue even petty things

Anyway it's not up to me who wins. I can't make either girl say yes. So I just thought I'll take either one. Whatever one gives the most to it

However it has become apparent Stella is breezing through it while poor Elly the underdog is struggling. This shows why Stella is the first chosen

Before now I just thought it's a mystery. Whatever girl says yes wins. But now I see it's not like that. Stella is the one. So I guess if both girls say yes I'll have to pick her. Stella will win if it comes to a draw. So maybe it's less of a competition and more of a stand in situation. Elly is like Stella's substitute

Honestly with Elly - sweet little easy to raise dog kids and a happy home. Itta be a sweeter, simpler life. It will make me happy. In a selfish kinda way, I'm alright as I win her even if Stella says no and the world goes to war. However world peace is more important. So if Stella says yes, she's the one I gotta make my life with

Don't get me wrong though when I say I gotta. It will be more of a challenge with Stella. But it's not like it will be a punishment or anything. I am excited and intrigued about the whole relationship. Itta be a challenge but a welcome one

It's not just me anyway. Wouldn't she find it easier in some ways with a cat like her? All science talk? We'd both likely get on easier with our own kind. But easy isn't always better. Heaven's will is always best however, and heaven wants us together

Not only do I want to do heaven's will, I genuinely like Stella. I want to meet her, get to know her, live with her, build a life with her, learn how to live in harmony with her, and raise the babies she gives me

So on a personal level, I am honestly all for a loveship with either girl. However it's really not my choice, it's theirs. I gotta encourage both girls to get with me. It should be Stella. It's her destiny. She's mine. I'm hers. We're meant to be together. We're meant to make world peace

However I don't follow Stella primarily, I follow heaven. Heaven has given me Elly as well. So I won't just ignore Elly and pretend like she don't exist. She will be mine. I will make her my girl and my wife and give her everything I woulda given Stella if Stella turns me down. If Stella accepts though, I still won't forget Elly. I believe she has a good part to play in team world peace no matter what

I'm just being honest here and real. I thought I had to give both girls the same chance. But now I see that's not so. As things stand, if they both say yes, I have to pick Stella. Eventually a time will arrive when Stella loses the queenship if she don't say yes. I don't want that time to arrive, as the signs say it could contribute to a war

I guess the reason for that is me and Stella will make a more effective world peace duo than me and Elly. Also our kids Luca and Gabi would carry that effectiveness on from us. It seems without us as an item and our kids as heirs, world war will more likely occur

I don't know this for sure, I'm just reading the signs. But I know something. Elly won't cause the war, so please don't blame her. She will just help me make peace in the wartorn world

Elly is young and came with nuke signs, so she probably feels like the war will be her fault, but it won't. Honestly I think it will be Stella's if anyone's at all. Stella knows her world peace destiny. She's seen the signs. What is said will happen if she turns me down. But I think she's coming round. Coming round to the idea of what it means to serve heaven instead of the ways of the world

Elly, the war will not be your fault, and you won't have to fight in it if Stella turns me down. You're not here to win the war. You're just here to make world peace with me after the nukes have fallen. Hopefully if Stella says yes we will all make peace together before the nukes fall

Funny I should be tasked with writing this today when the daily devotional speaks of rescuing the world from darkness and bringing the kingdom of light. Luca means lightbringer, and obviously war is a dark thing we need rescuing from. This is destiny truly. It is heaven's will, and we can all follow it as a team. Plus today is the 28th. More proof the verse is about Luca and his sis bringing sunrays to save the world

So that's the basic situation. But while writing this I have just been assuming you all know what I was thinking and what my intentions were with the recent situation. But I guess you can't read my mind, and folks have expressed concern that they thought I was up to no good

For example someone hinted it's like I tried to blow Stella up. I found that idea amusing in a spoofy sort of way, so I joked at it with the Guy Fawkes pic. As if I was Guy Fawkes. As I always improv by nature. Now I wonder if the person was serious, like saying I really did try to take the throne away from Stella, and me joking back seemed like I was confirming that?

Well let me tell you that is not the case. It was just me joking is all. I often make hints like that as a natural mirroring of what people say, but in doing so I sometimes give the wrong idea. Other hints have said it seems I don't really care about Stella or the kids. So now I should explain what I was thinking to show my intentions have been good like always

All that happened is we got the Elly lookalike sign. Walking by just when I mentioned the triplets. Folks thought it was Elly. You saw it before me. I didn't even notice till everyone started hinting

Then I thought maybe Elly is really apprehensive to visit. So if folks think she was already here, it'd make it easier for her to visit for real. So I didn't say anything

My only intention by keeping silent was to bring not just her but both girls closer to their destiny. Not for my personal gain but because it is what heaven wants for them and I work for heaven

So I said the one who has the courage to accept the new life with me will win. I thought that might inspire both girls to visit. Also it might give Elly more confidence as she has seemed really lacking confidence lately. Poor girl

At the time I believed Elly and Stella were equal choices. So I wanted to help Elly feel more confident. There was nothing against Stella about it

I had no kind of selfish intention in any of this. I don't know what's going on. I can't see the future. I have no clue or preference over which queen wins. I'm just a little prophet dude trying to make sense of it all and do what heaven wants. As heaven sent the lookalike sign, I assumed it must be to boost Elly's confidence and give both girls a jolt into action

Heaven is good and cares for everyone. We're all heaven's creations and heaven loves us all. El is our loving parent. He has a lifeplan for us all and assigns us different jobs. Our only choice is to follow his plan or not. Heaven is not against anyone. It's everyone's choice. They can choose to follow heaven or not

I don't know what heaven is doing. All I knew then is both girls were chosen as my potential future wife and queen, and I had to encourage them. When heaven sent the Elly lookalike, I didn't have much comprehension of what was going on. I didn't have any plan or intention, I was just trying to work out what the sign meant

I just thought everyone thinks Elly is here, and heaven made it look that way, so it must be what heaven wants. So I didn't say anything as I didn't know why heaven wanted that. I was thinking about why, and the reason I found is I thought it would give poor Elly more confidence and snap Stella into action as well

Folks kept hinting at me and Elly being in love, and my natural reaction was to mirror them by hinting the same stuff. I didn't have a specific intention in doing so. I was just hinting along with everyone else, hoping to see what heaven was trying to say with the sign

The natural process of the sign appearing and everyone hinting made people think me and Elly had kissed before the wedding day. I didn't mind them thinking that for a while, as I knew it wasn't true. So I looked forward to the moment they found out it wasn't true, so they'd know we never did anything wrong, and it would amuse them. A kind of friendly playful trick to play. It's not a sin as nothing bad happened because of it, and I only had good intentions

If Elly or Stella got here, I wouldn't take advantage of them by kissing them before the wedding day. I would tell them no love till marriage. So I will only ever sleep with one of them. But everyone jumped to the conclusion anyway, so I let them think it for a while, so they could realise it's wrong and sinful to do that before marriage, and they would feel bad about it. Then they would have relief and catharsis when they realised it wasn't true and we had stayed virtuous the whole time

I think that kind of trick is just part of storytelling and is not selfish or a sin. So please forgive me and heaven for playing it on you. If heaven plays a good trick like that, I mustn't spoil the show for you all by blurting out the answer, must I. It'd be like the cinema usher telling you what happens in the movie. Bad form. So please see I was just going along with the trick for your spiritual benefit and entertainment, and had no immoral intentions

I waited to see where heaven wanted to go with the sign before saying anything. Then for whatever reason - she has her reasons - Elly decided to reveal it was not her, and that's perfectly fine. However everyone then thought I had been deceitful. When really I was as confused about it as everyone else at first. And my intentions were good

Heaven's intentions were good as well, and it was heaven who sent the sign. You see me and heaven had the same intention. That is another way you know heaven is with me and I am with heaven. It's like the employee of any company will follow the values and work ethic of that company

Now the trick has been revealed, we can work out why heaven played it to begin with. We can see heaven wanted this whole situation to happen so I would see your reactions, think about things more deeply, see things in this new light, and write this letter for you. El sets these things up so I have to write these letters. It is the way heaven teaches us

You may be wondering which queen I prefer. So I will talk about that now. Simply put they're just completely different people. So I can't really compare. They both have good and bad points and I can see myself with either one

Elly suits me more as she seems more frank and fiery like me so we would understand each other intuitively. Yet Stella suits me more as she is autistic so we would have more affinity mentally

So there's a really good connection I can have with both. With whatever one accepts me I will happily forge that connection and marry them. On a personal level I don't mind which one. I'm happy single. So any wife would just be amazing. However destinywise it has to be Stella as she is first chosen

I hope you don't feel embarrassed by being second chosen Elly. It's better than third right? Just think of that. Heaven has a destiny for you as part of team world peace and maybe as my wife and we'll work it all out eventually. So don't worry

In summary Stella is first choice. Heaven wants her to help me make world peace. We're right for each other. We'll have a good, true loveship, raise the kids right and do the work heaven wants. I'm all for it. So Stella add me and we'll have a nice chat about all this one to one

Elly I still want you to add me as well, be in my friends list, chat and work with me. Only now we will be sure about the meaning of your status as second chosen. Heaven sent loads of signs for you. El is serious about you. You are second in line to the throne let's say. You will replace Stella if she turns it down of her own freewill. You will be my wife if Stella turns me down

Yet she is first chosen so gets it all offered to her first. That's how it has always been with royalty hasn't it. There is a line of succession. You girls are the only two chosen, and we see now it's not a competition, but a line. The only way the second chosen can succeed is if the first chosen abdicates of her own freewill. So hopefully knowing you're second in line will take some burden off you as you won't feel you gotta compete with Stella. Rather than her rival you're more like her stand in, so that's good

So how about both you princesses add me today? It's the 28th I know. Perfect for Stella to add me, but also for Elly. Elly adding me todsy on the 28th will show she recognises Stella as first chosen. It's a good thing to honour that as it's heaven's will. It's really a good idea if you both add me. We're all on the same team after all, and work for the same company - heaven!

Seriously we gotta whole lotta work to do to make world peace! You're my peace princessess. I'm here to walk you all through it, be your friend, marry one of you and raise a fam. I'll go all the way with both of you. You can count on me, so step up and take your places in team world peace by my side

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...