Wednesday 29 November 2023

Flag of the Messiah

I discovered the Messiah Flag today. That's my flag!

It was designed in 1992 by the Jews when I was 8 and watching Sinbad the Sailor at home on TV. Many signs led me to the flag today and told me to blog about it. But I won't bore you with the details. Let's just talk about the flag!

It is also called the Moshiach flag, which is the Jewish word for Messiah. Though I like to shorten it to Moshi

The Jews designed the yellow flag to mean enlightenment and sunshine. So it's fate, as I bring the Sunray Project, and my hair is yellow also

The blue crown to me is the colour of the nightsky. As I am here for the daytime and the night, the darkness and the light. Also, my eyes are dark blue in colour, so again it's fate! It shows God was guiding the Jews when they designed the flag two decades ago

But if the yellow is my hair, and the blue is my eyes, what's the red writing underneath? Naturally you might think it means I will bring war and bloodhsed. Or that I must die like Jesus. But I have been told by God we can have a peaceful revolution without violence. So I thought of four meanings seen on the six flags below



Successor of Christ

Red is Christ's colour as he turned water to wine, bled on a cross, and gave a sip of redwine to his followers so they could dine with him in spirit. The red thus reminds us I'm standing on Christ's shoulders. Carrying on his work of peace, not war



Washed in the Blood

This reminds us I have drank the Wine of Christ so am ritually cleansed of sin and with him in spirit



A King For All People

This reminds us all folks have one colour blood, red. As a king for all people, I'll focus on what we all have in common, and also ways to make the best of all our differences. For example, there are 4 different blood types, yet all types are red. So we're different but the same



On My Head Be It

This reminds us the crown is on my head, but also all the responsibility of the kingdom. I have to be a king for all people, and not favour one culture over another, or on my head be the blame as well as the crown



Long Live the King

This is an old one I didn’t make up. It was printed originally on the flag. It relates to the colour red as the pulse is what gives us life



Welcome Messiah & King!

Another old one. In this case the red could be the excitement of the people to finally have their messiah. A messiah for all people


So what motto do you guys like best? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6? Let me know in the comments!

If anyone can translate these phrases to Hebrew and print them on the flag in red in place of the English words, I'd like to see that

Funny enough I saw Jay printing pillowcases earlier. So maybe he can do some English versions

Jasmine could do a version as well, as she's pretty jazzy with a paintbrush

I was already planning to blog about the Moshi today. Then late this morn someone told me the Arabic word for Moshi is Mahdi. The same day I was planning to write about the Moshi. It was one of the many signs that told me to write this post

If Mahdi means Messiah, and I'm the Messiah, it makes me the Mahdi too, right? I'm here to make peace for Muslims as well after all. The lore says he's a descendant of Muhammad, and in a way I am. Muhammad's spiritual descendant. As the same God who inspired Muhammad also inspires me

So we could blend some Mahdi Flag elements into the design. Or redesign the flag completely. Or have different versions for different occasions. These are just my thoughts on the standard Moshiach Flag, which the signs have told me I should share with you today

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...