Friday 24 November 2023

The Priestly Blessing

Have you seen today's vid, love? See the length? Because of our 38 sign, this is significant for us. It means today's blessing is for our whole family. You, me and our kids. This is great news. Especially as today's blessing is from Aaron

Aaron was the first high priest of Israel. I'll be the new high priest as I'm bringing the Temple Guild to Israel, their long awaited new temple, though in a new way they wasn't expecting. Not one atop the Temple Mount, but a worldwide Temple Guild for all religions, as is HaShem's will

I was given another priesthood sign as well. An almond tree grew over the garden of my childhood home. It is the first wild fruit I ever saw. I found the green coated fruits on my lawn and marvelled at them. One of my earliest memories. The almond tree is a symbol of the priesthood. It shows I was born to be Israel's next high priest

Aaron was great with words, like me. Moses was not as confident. So that relates to me and you as well. Aaron spoke for Moses, and I can write vids for you. They were family, and we will be family. In a different way, but fam is fam

Today's sign is saying you and me will be like a new Aaron and Moses for Israel. This is important, as the Jews have long awaited a successor to Moses as their messiah

What they don't know is Jesus really was that successor. Now I am Jesus's successor. Not his heavenly successor. Just his earthly one. Jesus was both king and high priest, as will I be. As I speak to the Lord directly, like the priests of old, and know how he wants the new Temple Guild to operate

Today's blessing tells us one of our sons will succeed me as high priest. If we have two sons, perhaps one will be king, the other high priest. We know this as Aaron today blessed not just us but our children as well

The next high priest after Aaron was his son Eleazar. So there is continuation. We may not descend directly from Aaron's bloodline. But God is giving the priesthood to a new bloodline now, with Aaron's blessing, as evinced by today's sign. We will of course honour Aaron, who now resides in heaven and has given us his blessing today. Just as Aaron and his sons blessed the people of Israel long ago, my sons and me will bless the people of Israel in modern times

We'll unite Israel with all the world. Eretz Israel will be the whole world then, not just the Holy Land. The whole world will be the new Holy Land. Jews will worship in temples all round the world. They will make peace with all nations. They won't be the only religion, but one of many. Yet God will bring this worldwide peace to all through their nation, via my sons and me, their new leaders. So it is that though each religion and temple will have its own symbols, the Global Temple Guild will have the Magen David as its logo. This is in honour of God's covenants with Israel since ancient days

How can I be king when I'm not even Israeli? The Bible says foreigners can convert and become Jewish. Jews nowdays have all sorts of ethnic backgrounds. Notice how today's speaker likewise has Eastern decent but a Western name. God picked Alan as today's speaker for this purpose. The world has changed much since the days of old, and Israel can now change with it. I'm here to lead Israel into a new era of world peace. I'll also continue to honour Aaron, Moses and the ancient Law. Especially as Aaron has blessed me and our family, Elly, today

If you add me today, chat to me, get to know me, live with me, get engaged to me, marry me, eventually God will make you the queen of Israel, and your children heirs to the priesthood and the throne. Today's blessing has promised us this

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...