Friday 24 May 2024

Kiss the Bride

The verse of the day said comfort others like God comforts us. Elly seemed alright. But Stella seemed like she needed comforting. So I mentioned her in the song. The song was related to animals anyway more than chemicals. I want to encourage both girls to date me, as I know it will be fun for them. They might be a bit apprehensive, but once they meet me, they'll feel a lot better and can start following their destinies by working with me. So I'm really eager to encourage them to date me! My intention is to date both girls and give them equal chances to make their home with me. We can do that by chatting, dating and working together. We can all be lifelong friends and continue to meet and collaborate all our lives. But as I said before, I can't kiss either one till our wedding day, and I can only marry one of them. That way we can all stay friends for life without emotions getting in the way

I really want you both here, ladies. So feel free to add and chat to me, one to one or as a group. You can both live here with me for the next few years if you like. We can all live together as a fam. That'd be much nicer than dating behind each other's backs, wouldn't it? So think about it and get back to me. This is God's will for us, so I really want to encourage you to find out what it's all about. I truly love you both, can see myself marrying either one of you, and will stay a true friend to both of you

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...