Thursday 2 May 2024


Last night Joey asked if I'd tried a dating app. I said I only go for matches made in heaven. I'm a monk is why. It's my job to watch for signs. So if I get married, it'll be to whoever heaven sends me signs about

If I go looking for a different woman on a dating site, I'll be disobeying heaven, and not doing my job as a monk

However, if heaven never told you who to marry, it means you're free of that obligation, so don't worry. It never told my mum or dad who to marry either. So even though I'm chosen by heaven as messiah, I was made by a chance meeting of two lovers in a pub

Truth is there is no chance meetings really. All matches are made in heaven. Most of us just don't know it, that's all. So you're the same as me. God knows your name and loves you. He loves us even though we're not perfect people. No one is because this is not a perfect world. But God knows that, and loves us anyway

Difference with me is heaven told me who to marry before I marry her. Other than that there's no difference. As a prophet I get to see signs from heaven. But not everyone is meant to see them, as we all have different jobs. So don't worry if you don't see signs

If you're not married yet, you can follow signs as well if you choose. But if you see no signs, you're free to follow your heart, go on a dating app, choose who you like. Heaven will guide you even if you don't know it

If you want extra blessings for your marriage and family, all you gotta do is follow heaven's basic rules. The basic rules say listen to preachers, read holy verses, be kind, virtuous, loyal and pray every day

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Morbid Sense of Humour

Elly you're a macabre joker like me 😂 Thanks mate. I mean mate in the way Stella would probably mean it. Soon as you finish college get...